What would you class as Signal Lights?
The answer to the above is basically any light. Lights of all kinds act as signals to us. Lights flash on our ovens when food is cooked. Lights flash on our remote controls to tell us batteries need replacing. Signal lights govern every aspect of our lives.
We do rely heavily on visible signals. Things we see can inform and warn us depending on the situation. An alarm going off in an office building would have Signal lights, normally flashing beacons and audible alarms. We know to react to this kind of situation because we have fire drills and we know we will be in danger if we don’t react. Signal lights are something we probably aren’t aware of most of the time, but they are still there.
Take for instance a walk down a city street. We see the walk/don’t walk Signal lights. A little further down the street we may see a truck emptying bins, which also has a signal light when reversing or stationary. Keep walking and you will see a flashing sign in a storefront advising of sale prices. Of course you may also see a fire truck or a police vehicle with flashing lights. These are also Signal lights. We are bombarded with Signal lights yet hardly even notice them, unless we feel we are in danger or harm.
Signal lights generally draw our attention to something. It could be alerting us to danger or to something like flashing neon in a pet shop advertising those cute puppies. We choose whether we notice or ignore Signal lights. Obviously the Signal lights alerting us to any kind of possible danger or hazard should never be ignored. We pick up subliminally on signals and Signal lights. We may not register initially what we have seen at the time, but we often recall it later.
Out in the wilds of the countryside you would think there are very few Signal lights, and that is true to some extent. Hikers and hill walkers if they are caught out in the darkness however will use stars and the moon to find the right direction. They are using the Signal lights provided by Mother Nature. The darkness in the country is absolute but you can often see light on the horizon, which points your way to a city, so again these are Signal lights. Visible signals are all around us we just need to look for them.
On our streets and highways the main Signal lights we see are on emergency vehicles, normally police, fire fighters and EMT vehicles have an array of lights. The lights on these vehicles are all very visible Signal lights. They tell us that there is a vehicle approaching us at speed or they tell us there are stationary vehicles ahead we need to avoid. Take notice of Signal lights. They help us and can keep us safe and secure. Signal lights are any light that makes us notice something. It gives a clear indication of where, what or why something is happening.
Extreme Tactical Dynamics is a one-stop shop for
Signal lights unit and many other items like Flashlights, Dash Lights, Deck Lights, etc. Please visit the site for more details of various items available – http://www.extremetacticaldynamics.com/