Learn The Answer To Why Do People Talk In Their Sleep
Ask most medical professionals, Why do people talk in their sleep, and it is most unlikely that they will be able to give you a full answer. Whilst it is widely believed to be stress and anxiety driven, there is still not concrete evidence behind this.
Somniloquy, to give the condition its scientific handle, affects a considerably large number of people. More than five percent of the adult population is likely to suffer, whilst up to fifty percent of children would have suffered at some point prior to puberty.
Whilst arguments still exist, the common belief these days is that sleep talking occurs outside of REM, (Rapid Eye Movement), sleep. REM sleep is the time where we are most likely to have our most vivid and expressive dreams, and it was often thought that sleep talking was just another element of dreaming.
The condition is now more closely linked with paralyses that the body experiences as sleep patterns shift. Think of that feeling we often get as we are just moving into sleep, where we feel as if we are helplessly falling, and jerk ourselves back. It is here that links are now believed to be placed.
It is known already that there is a very fine balance the body plays, between moments of consciousness and subconsciousness. The brain hallucinates at these times, and creates frightening and upsetting images that we experience; our response to this can be sleep talking. This all sounds quite violent of course, but it really isn’t; it just how the brain processes electrical impulses.
Sleep talking is not a dangerous condition, but it can lead to problems with those that are woken by it; much as snoring or teeth grinding can. There have been reports of violent episodes, though these have subsequently been proven to be more a case of further psychological issues.
Nobody is fully aware as to, why do some people talk in their sleep, but avoiding stimulants such as coffee, chocolate and alcohol before bedtime, along with trying to relax and sort out any outstanding issue of the day do seem to help.