10 Basic Questions to Define Requirement Management Tool

1. How do you add a Requirement to Kovair
In Kovair Global Lifecycle, you can define and add a Requirement in any of  following ways:
Using Rich Text Editor. The formatting includes fonts, color, table, bullets, and numbering, embedded images. Multiple Undo-Redo, symbols and embedded link to other Requirements. Additional Rich Text custom fields can be defined too. Submitting from your Corporate Website or Portal

  • Sending by Email
  • Importing from Microsoft Word Document
  • Importing from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
  • Importing form a CSV file with configurable format
  • Using any third party Requirement Management tool and other tools to define Requirements; and in real–time synchronizing the data with Kovair.

2. Are there specific attributes for each requirement
Yes, there are few System defined attributes for Requirements but more importantly Kovair Global Lifecycle Application Lifecycle Management solutions allows you to create as many user-defined or Custom Fields for the Requirements. Attribute Fields can be created based on the following data types some of which are typical but others (highlighted here) are unique to Kovair and lend to the power of Kovair configurability: Date, DateTime, Float, Float with 2 Decimal, Integer, Custom Lookup (Single and Multiple), Multi-Line Text, Single-Line Text, Calculated Field, Grid Field, Rich Text, Electronic Signature Field, Summary Field, and Relation Type Field.

3. What happens w hen you mark a requirement complete
That depends on the definition of the ‘Complete’. For some of our customers it means freezing the Requirements for a Release. For some others it means actual implementation of the Requirements, testing and finally releasing them. Using Kovair’s process automation you can define, implement a process for Requirements and include your definition of “complete”.

4. How do we know if a requirement is satisfied in the current product
Satisfying a Requirement means it has been successfully tested at different levels – Unit, Integration and Acceptance. Kovair allows Test Management by its built-in Test Management application or by integrating other 3rd party Test Management tools and have traceability relations between Requirements and Tests to track whether each Requirement is tested successfully.

5. Can requirements be prioritized
Yes, prioritization can be done manually by setting the Priority attribute for each Requirement or it can be done in a more structured and dynamic way:

  • Collaborative Ranking: Using this feature, the Evaluators can individually rate a Requirement based on certain criteria. This helps in arranging the Requirements in the Priority List based on the score that each one has received from the evaluators during the evaluation phase.
  • Decision Support System (What If Analysis): It supports business and organizational decision- making activities and helps the organization to prioritize requirements based on certain constraints into different buckets, e.g. Releases.

6. Does Kovair commit us to a specific philosophy of requirement management
No, Kovair Global Lifecycle is so flexible in terms of configurability that it can be fully configured to accommodate the client’s philosophy of managing requirements. Kovair does not follow any specific philosophy of Requirements Management; rather we implement the customer’s philosophy into the tool. Kovair has been configured to follow Waterfall, Agile and other proprietary methodologies.

7. How is a change request against a requirement handled
Change Request can be created as an entity in Kovair Global Lifecycle and just like Requirements all the features will be available for Change Request as well. Kovair can be configured to handle a Change Request process which is typically different from a Requirement Management process. Some of these changes are new enhancements which will end up being new requirements and others may be related to existing requirements. Using Kovair’s traceability relation the links may be setup between the Changes and related Requirements.

8. Can w e associate non-conformance to a requirement
Certain Custom Fields can be created for each of the non-conformance categories that can be used as a checklist kind of feature by the users to track different non-conformances to a requirement.

9. Can w e define a workflow for requirement revision process within the product
Yes, Kovair application has an inbuilt drag and drop Visual Workflow / Process designer that allows users to define a Task-based Process for not only Requirements but for each of the phases of the Application Lifecycle and automate them. During the Process execution, it automatically generates Tasks for the Roles or users as defined in the Process.

10. Can you keep track of costs (man hours and $$) for each requirement
Yes, there are a number of attributes provided by the tool, out of the box, for tracking the cost (Planned as well as Actual) of each Requirement. For example Planned Cost, Actual Cost, Planned Duration (in hrs), Actual Duration (in Hrs), Planned Work, Actual Work, etc. Additionally Kovair lets you create Custom Fields, of various data types that also can be used in this regard.

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