What to Study if You Deduce Signals of a Panic Attack

If you’ve ever suffered from a panic attack, you know that they can be traumatic and terrifying. A lot of factors depend on how frequently they happen. If you don’t have them very often, you may not even think that you are experiencing a panic attack. In most cases like this, you think that the symptom is the real problem. Depending on what the symptom is, this can cause a great deal of stress and fear. Panic attacks typically do not last for long. They usually last approximately ten minutes. But some some symptoms can last for much longer.

Some of the more bizarre panic attack signals entail less physical feelings, at least in the implication we often think about them. Sometimes people experience symptoms involving feelings of “being unreal.” There is a feeling of existing in futility, or feelings of marked disconnection from one’s actual self. As you can imagine, that must be a very difficult set of feelings to experience, plus it can only make a person extremely anxious and stressed-out. In other cases, people report symptoms that are similar to coming down with the flu like being excessively sweaty or having the chills. This can make the situation even more confusing. Other similar feelings can also be related to panic attacks, as well. Thinking you are sick is only part of the reason you should discuss this with your doctor. If your symptoms don’t last long and don’t happen again soon, then they were most likely due to a panic attack.

Some people have panic attacks that seem to affect their limbs and extremities. Numbness or tingling in the fingers and hands can be a symptom of panic attacks, for example. Quite often when a person gets those feelings, it can be due to a pinched nerve in the wrist, elbow, or the spinal column.

These feelings can also be a symptom of a mild heart attack or some other related issue. This can make it difficult to know what to think, causing confusion for the person with the symptoms. There may or may not be other panic attack symptoms that happen as well.

It is well known that men and women experience different panic attack symptoms. Similarities do exist, however. It also seems that men are about 50% less likely to suffer from a panic attack. Try to make note of your symptoms as much as possible and remember them for future occurrences to see if you are having a panic attack or not.

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