Painting techniques keep oil painting reprodctions durable
Oil Painting Reproductions can be very durable just like the original old master artworks which are hundreads of old. You will think that because of oil paint is durable, but it is not. Then why can oil paintings keep for so long time, it depends on the way you use the paints. Tubes of oil paint are raw ingredients. If we add the layers in a wrong way while painting, the painting will cracked and fall apart in a few years. The following are some techniques to make a art reproduction last in good condition.
First, fat over lean
Each new-done oil paint layer should be a bit fatter than the previous one. You need to paint the first layer with oil paints right ouf to the tube and make it thinner. In the second layer, you add just a little bit of painting medium to the paint. In the third layer, add a bit more of medium to the paint etc.
Second, paint thick over thin
As we know, it usually take longer time for thick layers getting dried. Some artist may think if the paint is dry to the touch, then the oil paint is dry enough, acutally, the oil paint drying process doesn’t end. It will form a film while we add layer over it every time. Thick film dries more slowly than thin films. Faster drying film layers shrink faster than slower drying film layers. So, if a thin layer of film painted over a thicker one, would not stand the test of time. When creating a canvas art, it’s better to first paint thinner washes, just coloring the surface, and add texture later.
Third, Use fresh paint
Oil paint dries in contact with oxygen while it has exposed to air for a few hours. It can be stired and it seems that we can still use it. However, it could not make a good film anymore. The capacity of oil paint to make one solid film would distroted when the paint is partly dried.It will peel off with the time.
There are many other factors would effect the durability, such as painting grounds we use, canvas flexibility and so on.
Maybe many customers doesn’t mind art reproductions will crumble while he or she is still alive, but Atlandbiz will guarantee to creat as good quality as possible for our customers.