Prepaid Legal Services Review – Real?

There are 2 sides to the pre paid legal services scam story. First we’ve got the legal services side to consider and , the business opportunity side to think about. Let’s take them one at a time.

Pre Paid Legal Services Scam

Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc is a public traded company (NYSE:PPL) which has been providing subscription-based legal plans and services since 1972. Today, the company serves over 1.5 million purchasers in the U.S. And Canada.

For $26 or less every month, families and small business owners have direct phone access to a local legal firm to obtain information and counsel. Legal assistence is provided for almost every thing you can imagine including document review when buying a home or an automobile, setting up a will, handling issues with insurance corporation claims, dealing with I. D. theft issues and more . Much more. Varied riders are also available including a legal shield rider, home busines rider, and even a company record keeping option.

So you have to ask yourself? Here’s a publicly-traded company serving over 1.5 shoppers. If the legal services they provide weren’t on the up and up, if they didn’t work with high reputation law practises, they company would’ve been forced to close their door a long, long while ago. Instead, they’ve been alive for over 38 years! Scam. Fraud. Pointless? Impossible.

Pre Paid Legal Scam

Now let’s take a look at the business opportunity.

According to the Media Moogle site which provides a spread of PrePaid Legal information inclduing articles, suits, grouses, ponzi scam accusations, and more… The company profits decreased 8% in 2009 however during the same period of time, the amount of new sales distributors enrolled decreased 17.8%. Which is wierd, in fact because when most social marketing businesses essentially see a major increase in their distritorship base during bad commercial times. Because when times get rough, folk regularly start looking for methods to make additional money and a good Multi-Level Marketing opportunity the preferred choice of many [*T].

Naturally in ANY network marketing opportunity you will have a little percentage of the active distributors who make a big living. Most will never make a time. It is simply the way that it is. One or two will make millions, plenty will make a great living, and most will fail to produce a reasonable profit. Which has nothing at all to do with the so-called pre paid legal scam claims. It’s a viable business that has passed the test to time for over 30 years!

That said, as you might or might not know, I also own one of the hottest M.L.M leads sites on the web. So over the years we have worked with lots of distributors from nearly every internet marketing opportunity on the planet and lots of the feedback I have received over the years is the attrition rate for pre-paid legal services is pretty steep. And when you are trying to expand a business subjected to a high attrition rate – it is like trying to fill a bucket full of water that has a leak at the bottom. If you can fill it quicker than it is dribbling – you may show a good profit. The challenge is you can not STOP actively filling the bucket!

Makes sense?

So if you are seriously considering beginning our own business, you can quickly discount all the pre paid legal services scam claims. They’re bogus. It’s a good, stable, well-respected company with a proven track record.

However, before you jump in with both feet you really need to pause to consider precisely how you’ll promote and grow your new business. What’s your marketing plan? How does one propose to publicize and pitch the legal services ( to get new shoppers ) and the business proposition?

The best way to start is to contact all your family, mates, work mates, business associates and local enterprise owners. This could keep your costs down and, if approached properly, you net one or two good clients and perhaps one or two good business builders. But what are you intending to do when you exhaust your warm market?

Listen – most people fail to build a profitable social marketing business because they never really sat down and worked out a way to consistently popularize the product, service or opportunity, cost effectively, over an extended period of time. And new leads, new prospects, new customers and a regular stream of new business builders is the name of the game.

So the first thing you should do before starting any new business is to determine exactly how you intend to market and promote the business.

Reilly Micheals exposes the pre paid legal scam for what it really is and show you how to take any business to the next level fast.

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