Good Information To Have About An Industrial Paper Shredder
Having your own industrial paper shredder can be a cost effective way if your business generates a large volume of documents each day. A big shredder is able to shred it faster than the normal office one, because it only requires someone to dump it onto a conveyor and the large steel cutting heads will do the rest.
There are some advantages and disadvantages in having such a machine, so let us look at some:
Before you rush off and buy a shredder, you need to make sure that it is going to right for your business. Do a small feasibility study on outsourcing the shredding requirements to another company as opposed to you having your own. Ask questions such as can you employ someone to take over this duty as it would be a full time one? Or is it possible to share this duty amongst two or three existing staff members? Remember that if you have a large volume of paper then it will take people to collect it, shred it, handle the shred boxes, storing it and arranging for transportation. If you cannot justify the expenditure of a new machine, then it might be wise to outsource this function.
Should you decide to outsource, consider your shredding volume. If you are going to generate massive amounts of it, then it might be cost effective as the higher the volume the lower the unit cost per bag will be. Alternatively, should you require high security around your shredded paper, then they might ask you for more money. The size of your factory will also be a factor because if it is a large one, then the outsource company should need to employ a full time staff member to walk or drive around collecting used documents from people. Who will provide the shred boxes and who will clean up? Where the shredding will take place can also affect your monthly overheads.
On the other hand, having your own shredder will also depend on what you can afford at the end of each month. What is a person’s hourly or monthly pay going to be? Can you justify this expenditure? You might be able to justify it, if you lease the equipment rather than buying, or you might want a long-term solution and make an outright purchase. Take into account that you would need maintenance tools and oil, collection bags, boxes and storage space.
The bottom line is, you could save money in the end by installing your own machine. You would essentially be applying the same logic and economic strategy that a shredding service uses in any case. So why not put the extra money in your pocket, instead of giving it to someone else just for the sake of convenience?
Find out what the best industrial paper shredder are for your backyard by reading some great articles, including information on finding the best paper shredder.