Vital Information About The Seventh Week of Pregnancy
You deserve big congratulations for completing your sixth week of pregnancy and entering into the seventh week of your pregnancy. You are now going to experience some new 7 week pregnant symptoms. At this stage, the rapid development is going in your baby. The development is at the full swing in this week. Your baby has grown to about ? inch long. Your baby would approximately be of the size of blueberry or of a grain of rice. To be exact, the size would be just double of the size of your baby that was the previous month. Developments are not only taking place in the terms of his size. But, there are various other changes like that of facial developments that may involve addition of facial features like mouth and eyes. Feet and hands are also at the development stage.
Your baby is undergoing various changes during this stage. Changes are not only taking place at the external level, but there are various changes that are occurring internally like that of the formation of internal features like organs and veins. Various internal organs like liver, appendix and pancreas are getting ready for performing proper functions in the body. The newly formed liver has also started performing its various functions in the tiny body of the baby. Liver had now started performing its job that is to build red blood cells for the body so that transportation of nutrients and oxygen can take place in a proper manner. When the body will be developed, the job of producing red blood cells will be transferred to bone marrow as soon as the baby’s bones take the final shape. The link between you and your baby will still be there and will not break till the baby is within you. The link will continue to develop until your baby’s body is ready enough to perform all the functions independently. Connections will form like that between the umbilical cord and the baby’s intestines so that the attachments of blood vessels could continue.
As your baby is developing inside your body, you are also experiencing various changes. These changes are getting noticeable with each passing day. The symptoms of pregnancy vary from women to women due to the unique structure and menstrual cycle of every woman. Morning sickness is very common symptom from which almost all the women suffer. But, there are others who experience a great aversion for the food while others may develop the desire for food.
But, you should always try to take your proper diet and should always take regular meals as you are indirectly helping your baby to develop fast.
Why don’t you enhance your knowledge on the seventh week of pregnancy? Just visit Arielson Suttle’s site on 7 weeks pregnant and 7 weeks pregnant symptoms.