Consider Giving Composting a Chance

Some people feel squeamish about the idea of composting. It is a good idea to take a few moments and overcome some misconceptions about the act of composting and take another look at it in light of our national objective to become a green country.

If you take up composting your unused food, you will be taking a giant step forward toward making your family earth friendly. You will also cut down on how much trash goes to the garbage and you will put that garbage through a transformation into rich compost that can serve as fertilizer for your garden or your lawn.

The best part about it is that composting is very easy to do. Start out by setting up a bin somewhere in your yard to put the compost materials in. You can buy a plastic bin or set one up yourself. Designs are abundant on the internet.

The next phase is to start collecting your compostable discarded food and instead of depositing it in the garbage can, take it to the compost pile and put it in there. Any unprocessed food that will begin to decompose is the right kind of garbage including banana or orange peelings, coffee grounds, corn on the cob husks or old salad materials that you are not going to eat.

Combine with that compost some cut up grass or mulched leaves and walk way because nature will do the rest. Also put out of your mind any misconceptions you may have about composting like the concept that it will stink or that it will bring scavenging birds or animals to your yard.

If your composting bin has some venting, there will be no smell problem. If you do not put any animal products like meat, cheese or eggs into the compost, the animals will leave it alone.

But after a few short time, all of that composted trash will change into wonderfully rich compost material that will resemble soil. That compost can be used anywhere around your property for fertilizing your lawn or garden. On top of saving you money, you will be doing your part to stay environmentally conscious green as well. Those are 2 fine reasons to start composting right away.

Whatever your recylcing needs, you can count on Green Star.

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