Fairhope Fitness-Super Set Training
For those in the area of Fairhope, fitness boils down to two basic ideas: aerobics and weightlifting. Weightlifters commonly adopt the straight set method which means they do a single set for a particular number of repetitions and then they rest, and repeat again as needed. This is a time tested and valid way of operating, but there is a new way: the “super set.”
A super-set is when you perform two exercises back to back with no rest between them. You would only rest after doing the final exercise of the super-set. For example, do a set of lunges and then immediately do a set of squats.
When a person increases the levels of lactic acid production in the body, the natural response of the body is to also raise the levels of growth hormone, which promote fat loss and muscle development. Therefore, your Fairhope fitness program will increase your tolerance to lactic acid build up.
Many people are over scheduled and suffer from a lack of personal time. This is what makes the super-set work out especially good for regular people because they can be completed in roughly half of the time it takes to do standard sets. You get your time back while gaining the maximum benefit from your time while reducing the chances of over training.
You might be surprised at exactly how much better your improvement is when you go from standard sets to the super-set method. You can go into the gym with a plan instead of milling about without any real agenda. The sets themselves are reported to make people feel way more pumped than standard workouts. If you are the kind of person who gets bored of doing the same motions over and over again just to wait and rest until starting again, super-set training will probably be right up your alley.
I naturally preferred super-set training more than single-set training because it fits my personality. I’m always looking for more productive and effective ways to do things. Besides, these workouts are exciting and leave me with more pumped up muscles.
If your goal is to improve your Fairhope fitness, give the super-set method a try. Performing 2-3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions. Resting between super-sets, but not any more than the minute or so that you would normally give yourself between sets. You will see results like you never have before, while enjoying an exciting workout.
Some things you just can’t cover in a simple article. If you want to learn more about Fairhope fitness and how to take the next step toward healthy living, then click to discover how to thrive beyond the gym in Fairhope.