Fighting Illness
No one likes being sick. From the runny nose down to the achy body none of it is pleasant. Though everyone gets sick occasionally you can help to fight against illness. There are simple things that you can do to get your body in top fighting shape.
One small recommendation is to add supplements to your daily regimen. If colds or the flu are going around your workplace you can do simple things to help keep the germs away. You can increase your intake of vitamin supplements such as vitamin C or even protein supplements to help fight the germs. Small gestures such as hand sanitizer and even Lysol can help to cut down on the spread of germs. People don’t realize how many germs are spread by shaking hands, or touching contaminated door knobs. Try to be mindful of this as you go through day to day and get the sanitizer close by. Herbal supplements are also good to help fight illness and boost the immune system. There are vitamin supplements that you can take or for those that like tea there are even herbal teas that you can take to help fight sickness.
If you are already ill or are starting to feel bad it is important to jump right into a regimen. Over the counter cold medicine is good in addition to your other supplements. Lemon is important for fighting colds, especially a sore throat. You can add a little honey for an even bigger treat. You can now buy healthy supplements that combine lemon and honey in order to help fight colds. In addition to the previously mentioned vitamin C, vitamin supplements such as vitamin A and E help to defend the body. Vitamin A is extremely important because its main job is to help protect the immune system. Many of the healthy fruits and vegetables that we consumer has vitamin A but many doctors often recommend this to patients who are battling an illness. This is one example of why the food pyramid and following a healthy diet plan period are so important because you get daily vitamin supplements and essential nutrients.
You probably have heard this a dozen times but sleep is one of the most important things when you are sick. Your body needs time to rest and regroup. Doctors will often tell patients to get plenty of rest when fighting an illness even a simple cold.