Morning Sickness Symptoms – And How To Cure Morning Sickness Symptoms!
For those of you soon-to-be-mothers, you are reading this page right now because you may be having some morning sickness symptoms. Morning sickness symptoms are felt by many pregnant women. Symptoms can be quite difficult to deal with, and sometimes, a pregnant woman will not suffer from any morning sickness symptoms. About 50%-80% of women actually suffer from any symptoms at all. The sad part is, however, that for most sufferers of morning sickness, the symptoms last all day and not just in the morning. This page will discuss some of the symptoms and how you can relieve them naturally, safely, and effectively. But first, it is important to know what morning sickness is.
So what is morning sickness?
Morning sickness is nausea and vomiting early in the morning (and often throughout the day) caused by all the changes that a woman’s body is going through during pregnancy. Morning sickness can begin between the 4th and 6th week of pregnancy, and end between the 14th and 16th week. As you may know, morning sickness is not very pleasant, but there are some safe ways to relieve the nausea and vomiting, which will be discussed below. First though, let’s talk about the symptoms.
What are some common morning sickness symptoms?
Morning sickness symptoms vary from woman to woman. However, here is a list of some of the most common morning sickness symptoms:
– backaches
– constipation
– darkening of areola (breast nipple)
– excessive salivation
– fatigue, tiredness, sleepiness
– food cravings
– frequent urination
– headaches
– greater sense of smell
– lower abdominal cramps
– swollen or tender breasts
What can I do to relieve my morning sickness symptoms?
Many pregnant women are in need of morning sickness relief, however they do not want to take any medications as it may have negative side effects on the mother and sometimes even the child. What most pregnant women don’t know, though, is that there are some great natural remedies to relieve a mother-to-be from her morning sickness symptoms.
Tony McGuigan is the owner of the Dental Insurance NJ website, as well as a website called Philadelphia Shuttle Service.