Are You Being Tooled, by other People?
Don’t you just hate it when you have known somebody who you think you have a real relationship with, but turns out they’re only tooling you?.
What does it really require to have a connection connection?
Well, in every form of relationship, whether that is with a girlfriend, friends or even anybody, there has to be some exchange of value.
When one person is bestowing away more value than is being received, they will feel taken advantage of; and those who are taking those values without offering any value in return, are value-cravers; they always crave things from other people, and that is the only driving force they want to be around you.
However, if you don’t have any value to give them, they don’t really want anything to do with you.
The thing to make sure whoever you’re hanging out with isn’t using you, you want to be sure your value given to them is slightly higher than what they are giving you back.
If they aren’t reciprocating any value back at all, just offer them slightly above nothing, and don’t bother offering any more when they ask for more. That’s the boundary you set.
Usually the biggest signs you can tell if these people are value-cravers, who constantly crave for things without returning any favor when needed in the future, is that they tend to be unreliable and unreciprocal. When you finally need them, they vanish from you and only show up when you have value to give and want some of that value.
We all heard the story of how somebody was interested in somebody else because they have more money and connections, and those are tangible values; however, you want to offer intangible values, the positive exchange of emotional values.
Now, if you don’t have any asset or tangible values they’re interested, but they really enjoy and love being around you because you generate this positive energy and that you offer great stimuli to them making them feel great, they don’t want to leave your presence.
Gabriel Angelo runs, with the unique approach to dating and meeting women, by focusing on developing your “social skills” to be the most socially savvy person you can be, not just with women…but everybody. Although the arts are primarily related to dating and attracting women, they can be applied to other aspects of your life from social, dating, personal, and even professional.
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