Negative forums, damages online reputation
Most companies tend to react to negative forums posted against them. This is the natural reaction of anyone who has mud thrown on their name. At that moment this might seem to be a good idea, but it is not. By replying to a negative forum the company is actually helping them. The popularity of the site increase with every visit and this further pushes its ranking up.
Many search engines like Google rank forums based on their popularity. As companies can see their idea of putting their side of the story is actually counterproductive. Companies, instead of trying to remove negative forums from Google, must use strategies that reduce the popularity of the forum not increase it.
Another reason, why trying to remove negative forums from Google isn’t a good idea is because it is not possible in majority cases. The best way to deal with this is to ignore the forum and concentrate of other forums where the company can show themselves in a positive manner.
Done SEO has developed online strategies that will help companies counter these negative forums. They know how search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and Google rank forums. They use this knowledge to counter attack the negative forums.
Done SEO first develops positive sites and listing. These positive sites and listings have both useful content and strong links. Done SEO then starts to promote them on the Internet. As the ranking of these positive sites and listing improve they slowly push the negative forums down to pages that people hardly ever visit.
Thus companies will see after a few months that these negative forums are pushed to pages that are rarely visited. They will also realize that the trying to remove negative forums from Google is not the only solution to the problem.
Marilyn Jessie is an expert in the field of Search Engine Reputation Management. She has done lot of research of Remove Negative Forums from Google and has written various articles on removing the negative listings and rip off reports from Google.