Icebreaker Pheromone Cologne: A Honest Thesis of the Icebreaker Pheromone
Icebreaker Pheromone for Men.Folks, I in fact don’t know how to be politically correct in this write-up of the so labeled Icebreaker Pheromone fragrance? Personally, I thought the days of hawking snake oil on the net were over, until I field tested this lovely Icebreaker Pheromone cologne!
Please excuse my tone, regardless as I sit here smiling, finding myself at a loss of words, feeling relatively used that I even spent money on this pheromone cologne, I’m trying to figure out how to articulate the facts that I have no authentic clue what this substance does, as it clearly did zippo for me, and I brought to bear this substance on and off for months!
I will say this, I have vowed to try to keep this Icebreaker Pheromone fragrance synopsis short and sweet, as I personally do not believe this pheromone fragrance product positively deserves much mention, nor wasted space on my site for that matter! That being said, out of all the pheromone colognes that I have purchased, and that list is quickly growing, Icebreaker is the first vial of pheromone cologne that I straight threw away as opposed to allowing it to take up space sitting beside omnifarious auxiliary pheromone colognes, several good, others not so good.No room for Icebreaker on my shelf, I was more disappointed by this substance than I was with Pherlure, at least Pherlure smells congenial!
After field testing the Icebreaker Cologne for at work, at home, out at social functions among friends and strangers, and after really careful consideration I had to come to the conclusion that this stuff is over hyped Garbage! I apologize, I’m as is usual a great deal more politically correct than this, regardless I might as somewhat not sugar coat it. I imagine when a pheromone fragrance works at this point, and I undoubtedly comprehend when one does not, this stuff does not.No clue what it does!
All I can say at this point, is for the many marketers out there who are aggressively pimping this stuff to people that don’t know any better, along with Pherlure I’m very sure, SHAME!
totally to make sure I was not losing my mind after field testing Icebreaker Pheromone, “I” even looked around some forums to find mention of Icebreaker by some skillful and knowing pheromone enthusiasts who make use of a lot of products and pretty much know their stuff, what did I leaf through?
“Read their website carefully. the things they compare themselves with, like pherlure and athena are widely recognized as garbage..They also claim to be scientists but are still claiming the VNO is the pheromone receptor. That is pretty well discredited by real science. Their own ratings mean absolutely nothing and I haven’t seen a single verified and independent opinion of their products, only their own marketing hype.”
The only congenial thing I can add is that Icebreaker’s advertising is moderately good! And they do have a decent referral program for marketers, however, I can’t bring myself to recommend this substance for a commission, I would definitely plain feel dirty afterwords and would need a long shower.
Since I’m in such an repulsive presence after wasting my time with Icebreaker Pheromone Cologne, please excuse me if I pretty much let these opinions and experiences talk for themselves, I don’t wish to get to crazy with this article , just not worth it!
Kyle MacRannell is a die hard product review fanatic, currently researching Pheromones, and their influence upon human behavior. Please visit us for additional information on the Icebreaker Pheromone cologne!