Past Life Regression Hypnosis – Is Past Life Regression Hypnosis Real?
Past Life Regression Hypnosis, a.k.a. PLR, is the apparent expedition into one’s past life during hypnosis. While many patients end up “remembering” some of their past lives through hypnosis, it is most likely that these are just bogus memories. They could be just figments of ones imagination, or perhaps even suggestions from the hypnotist.
So is past life regression hypnosis real?
The practice of past life regression hypnosis is very real. Hypnotists and hypnotherapists across the world practice past life regression hypnosis on patients every day. This type of hypnosis is known to have healing properties, as those being hypnotized often settle “unfinished business” from their past lives. However, past life regression hypnosis as a means of traveling back through time is believed to be fake.
There have also been some accounts of patients being taken back in past life regression hypnosis in which they recall horrible and negative past lives. These accounts have been known to ruin loving relationships with family members.
Who can benefit from past life regression hypnosis?
Those who benefit most from past life regression hypnosis are those who believe in reincarnation. Studies have shown that believers of reincarnation experience a journeying to past lives during hypnosis, whereas those who do not believe in reincarnation do not visit their past at all.
One of the big controversies with past life regression hypnosis is the fact that hypnotherapists charge by the hour. Being that the hypnotherapist takes the patient back to past lives not only decades away, but rather centuries back in time, many feel that they are getting cheated for their money because the past life regression hypnosis progress takes more time when traveling to past lives centuries back.
Though many may be skeptical about past life regression hypnosis and its authenticity, most patients still enjoy be taken back in time to their past lives. It gives one a chance to bridge the gap between reality and the subconscious mind.
Tony McGuigano is the owner of the Dental Insurance NJ website, as well as a website called Out?Of?Body?Experience?How?To.