Healing Vapors

With the development in the field of medical sciences there has also been a surge in popularity of innovative and alternative forms of medicine. Aromatherapy is one such form of medicine. Aromatherapy makes use of volatile plant extracts, or essential oils, and some other aromatic substances to subtly change and alter an individual’s state of mood, mind, health or just the immune system, for the better. Such essential oils, like that of the tea tree, have been known to combat the effects of microbes, thus they were experimented with to see if they could combat infectious diseases. Just as homeopathy, the effectiveness of aromatherapy in curing diseases remains scientifically unproven. Yet there is also proof that aromatherapy has been highly potent from a therapeutic stand point.

Aromatherapy is administered in 3 basic ways:

  • Direct Inhalation – Used for disinfecting and decongesting the respiratory tract and it is also used for its known psychological influence on the body.
  • Aerial Diffusion – For disinfecting and spreading the fragrance in a place. Also known to have disinfection and psychological benefits.
  • Topical Application – Used in massages, hot presses, baths and skin care.

The modus operandi of aromatherapy is strange and has no concrete evidence. Experts believe that the use of essential oils triggers positive responses from the brain when the oils are administered through the olfactory system. The essential oils might have various ayurvedic effects of their own. Aromatherapy used in combination with other types of therapy has been known to yield positive results. However, aromatherapists claim that this therapy does not cure; it only instructs the brain and body to find a natural way to heal itself by building up a stronger immunity.

The types of oils used in aromatherapy are:-

  • Essential Oils – These are oils which are acquired from plants through distillation (steam mainly). Sometimes extraction by means of a solvent also yields essential oils. Lemon oil is the most popular of essential oils. It is a known cure to stress verminderen (reduce stress) as the vapeurs (vapors) it emits are very soothing for the mind and body.
  • Phytoncides – These are organic compounds that kill harmful bacteria. These substances, obtained from plants, are highly volatile. These also comprise of sulphur-containing compounds from plants but they are not used due to their odor.
  • Absolutes – Oils which have been derived from the flowers and delicate tissues of the plant.
  • Hydrosols – They are leftover products when distilling certain herbs. They are used in cooking, skin care etc. The best example would be rosewater.
  • Infusions – They are hydrated derivatives of different plant material.

This list is not exhaustive. New types of oils continue to be researched.

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