My Wii Controller Will Not connect to My Wii Console?

The wiimote is a sophisticated and game changing piece of technology, it brings the family to the game console like no other system has before.

With this technology come the typical problems associated with wireless equipment. One of the main problems is connecting a new wii remote or an existing remote to the wii system and below is a check list from ninendo of how to connect the remote:

1. Open the back of your Wiimote and insert the two AA batteries as indicated in the battery panel. Leave the cover off after you’ve inserted the batteries.

* Turn on your Wii from the front of the console. Allow the Wii to cycle to the main menu.

* Open the front door on the front of the console to reveal the SD card input and the “Sync” button.

* Press the “Sync” button on your Wiimote, located just underneath the batteries. When it is in Sync mode the LED light will flash.

5. Press the “Sync” button on your Wii console to connect the signals and allow the controller and console to sync. This may take a few seconds, so be patient while it continues to connect.

* Press the “Sync” button on your Wii console to connect the signals and allow the controller and console to sync. This may take a few seconds, so be patient while it continues to connect.

7. Use One-Time Synchronization to change the way the Wiimotes are synced to the console. You can do this by pressing the “Home” button on your controller and choosing “Reconnect.” This is useful when you wish to change the player/controller layout without passing different Wiimotes around and losing track of which is which. One-time mode is reset to Standard once the Wii is restarted.

Happy playing now your remote is connecting, if you have been unable to connect the remote to the wii system please check you have batteries that have full power in them and are inserted correctly into the remote or the controller hasn’t been damaged in any way.

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