I was watching the unspoken rules

The reason why I dusting says bad, because I was watching the unspoken rules “, because I everyday in unspoken rules in ordeal, by tossing’d but couldn’t find reasons, has really don’t know what rules, don’t know which we should follow a set of rules, life like no marginal space, blankly drift… With this pile of problems and anxiety, who see “stolen dream space” will be me the feeling, so, I stick to my opinion but does not reject my son’s praise highly.
Was this, China’s problems are not pure artistic Mbt shoes sale problem, can with history, age, society and current daily physical in one piece, only under such background of massiness considerations, art problems after a distorted and mutation can manifest its original state — China’s unique art problem.
Watching American blockbuster “stolen dream space”, drowsiness, several desire to exit. Finish see think americans are really boring, satiate the hold, novels, films, TV all get some god no adjustable things god torrid, both neither le nor instructive, will people brought into a nightmare, coming out of the cinema to see light-infused square and buildings, thought also in the demon, reality and dream no boundaries. American ChaoGang purge, wind qing month lang, people live and work, americans without serious things to do, so he arose, and made a boring such trifle.  www.mbtusasale.com 

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