Philadelphia Apartment Tips

So you’re looking for a Philadelphia apartment, eh? Well you came to the right place! We will help you find the right place that fits your needs for the best value. Before you get yourself a new apartment though, check out these tips to help you find your new place quickly and easily!

Ask Around

Your friends and family are the first people you should go to when deciding that you want to get a Philadelphia apartment. They know your likes and dislikes, so they have a better understanding of what sort of place suits your needs, and they may know just the place for you. An easy way to do this is by posting a message on Facebook that all of your friends can see.something like, “I’m looking to get an apartment in Philadelphia, anyone know anywhere cool/good/cheap?”. Many of your friends will then comment back with good suggestions!

Shop Around

Make sure you don’t look in just one place. Check everywhere you possibly can. Go to Craigslist, go to Google, even pick up one of those “Apartment Guide” books at your local supermarket. At the same time, don’t just visit one apartment either. You need to know what sort of options are out there so you can better decide on a place that suits you best.

Know What You’re In For

One of the biggest mistakes people make when looking for a Philadelphia apartment is that they move in without doing any due diligence. They think that pictures on the internet are a perfect representation of the apartment. What you should do, though, is actually check the place out in person. I’ve heard plenty of horror stories where somebody checks out an apartment online, signs a lease, and moves in without ever checking it out in person – bad mistake! Remember, you can’t smell the apartment or hear noise around the apartment just by viewing it online, so make sure you take a tour before you sign a lease!

Get A Roommate

If a Philadelphia apartment seems to be too expensive for you, get a roommate to split the costs with you! That doesn’t mean you necessarily have to find some random stranger on the internet to room with you, but you should, again, ask around. Even try the Facebook thing, i.e. “Looking for a roommate to move into an apartment in Philly, anyone interested?” Chances are one of your friends would love to move in with you.

Get Renters’ Insurance

Another common mistake that renters make is not purchasing renters’ insurance. It only costs around $15 a year and covers certain theft, property damage, and repair type suits.

With these tips, you should now be able to find a Philadelphia apartment that meets your wants and needs best. Good luck!

Tony McGuigan is the owner of the Miracle Fruit website, as well as a website called Apartments in Philadelphia.

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