Quitting Smoking Side Effects – The Most Common Side Effects Of Quitting Smoking

As we all know, smoking is very bad for one’s health, so it is better for one to stop smoking as soon as possible to avoid cancer, heart, lung, cholesterol, and even digestive problems. One of the reasons it is so hard to stop is putting up with the quitting smoking side effects involved in withdraw of the nicotine in a smoker’s system. This article will discuss the most common quitting smoking side effects and also give you some tips on what you can do to stay smoke-free for good.

When nicotine is leaving one’s body, a series of quitting smoking side effects are felt by the smoker. And the withdrawal of this nicotine is as much mental as it is physical. First off, the smoker faces a significant change in behavioral patterns. For example, rather than smoking when waking up, after eating meals, before going to bed, and various other points throughout the day (which they are so accustomed to), the person quitting smoking is going to have nothing to do, which will cause a great deal of mental stress. This is one of the key quitting smoking side effects.

Other withdrawal symptoms include, but are not limited to:

– larger appetite
– dizziness
– drowsiness
– depression
– headaches
– anger/frustration
– trouble sleeping, nightmares
– bad temper
– intolerance
– annoyance

Now that you know some of the common quitting smoking side effects, it is good to know reasons why you should quit. Your health and the health of those around you is in danger when you smoke. Not only people, but pets also suffer from secondhand smoke. By breaking the bad habit, you can reduce the risk of deadly cancer, lung diseases, heart attacks, high cholesterol, stroke, digestive problems, and years of your life lost. Sure, you may suffer short term from some quitting smoking side effects, but in the end, stopping smoking is better for you in the long run.

You owe it to yourself and those around you to quit. So do it!

Tony McGuigano is the owner of the Dental Insurance NJ website, as well as a website called Trojan Horse Remover.

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