Simple and Effective Tips to Remove Facial Wrinkles
The skin on our face is very delicate .And this body part is the most exposed part of our whole body. This is why it is the first to show sign of aging.Along with facial skin, the skin on your throat area is much thinner than any other body parts.So the skin on your face and neck gets damaged and shows lines and wrinkles very easily if you do not take proper care. There are many cosmetics and surgical procedures for face lift and repairing the lined throat skin popularly known as necklace lines. But how do you remove wrinkles naturally?
Reasons For Wrinkle Formation
But why do we develop wrinkles? We are born with super smooth and soft skin. But as we age these lines appear and spoil facial beauty. Can we delay the process? Is it inevitable? Why some young people too develop wrinkles while people much older have a smoother skin texture?
The answer is obvious. You should take proper skin care even before you have those unsightly lines on your face. This is the way you can have a smoother skin for a long time and continue to look much younger than your actual age in the process. You see lines and wrinkles on the face is a sign of aging. You can follow a proper anti wrinkle and anti aging skin care routine only when you are aware of the factors that cause skin aging. So let us have look at them.
1. The first factor and in fact the most common and important factor responsible for skin wrinkling is sun damage. When your skin is exposed to the sun without the protection of proper sunscreen lotion, the delicate facial and neck skin suffers. When skin is exposed to the ultraviolet ray of the sun, the collagen fiber in the skin gets damaged. Collagen keeps the skin supple and smooth. What is worse, exposure of the skin causes excess production of elastin in the skin. This is a protein that helps the skin to stretch. But when there is excess of elastin, our skin loses normal elasticity and the result is sagging and wrinkled skin.
2. Normal aging process also does the same. And also as we age, the production of health cells becomes slower. As a result of this our skin becomes thin. The natural fat cells beneath our skin get reduced. The natural collagen and elastin level in our skin that keep our facial muscles tout and supple lessen. The result is loose and folds in the delicate face skin.
3. Loosing weight too fast due to illness or because of crash diet also cause wrinkles as the fat cells underneath the skin that provide support to the skin are reduced.
4. There are other factors for skin damage too. Some of them are environmental. A lot depends on your life style too. If you are leading a hectic life with little rest to your body to recuperate the result will show on your lined face.
If you want to know the details about how to do these exercises for your face muscles to remove wrinkles naturally, visit my site.Here you will find information on how to get a natural face lift doing some simple facial toning exercises.