How You Can Eliminate Holiday Belly Fat
Are you asking yourself how you can eliminate abdominal fat fast? Did you pack on fat over the holidays and have to lose it however , you don’t know how? No need to ponder or be frustrated any more.
I have the solution. Stick to these 5 MUST-DO actions immediately, and you could lose 3-5 pounds prior to New Year’s without doing any abs workouts.
1 – Begin a Morning Ritual
Simply getting into a healthy ritual to kick-start your day will assist you stay on the fast track to fat loss.
– Take in 2 cups ice cold water and take 1g Vitamin C
– Workout (with supersets and intervals)
– Have a high-protein, high-fiber breakfast (such as an omelet with spinach, or a blender drink with berries, spinach, and protein powder)
– Drink 2-4 cups of Green Tea before lunch
– Take 1-2g of fish oil
These actions will maintain you full of energy, fight hunger, and support fat burning. Nothing magic in any of them, but combined, this is really a powerful plan for fat loss.
(If you workout later in the day, skip that step. There`s nothing magic about working out in the morning, but it’ll help you avoid missed workouts.)
2 – Take Benefit of Others
The SUPPORT of others, that’s…
Study shows that on-line, in individual, and within the gym social support helps you lose fat faster.
Get a workout partner along with a diet buddy, and add this one simple little act to your morning ritual:
Take 3 minutes to log on to a fat loss forum and post your daily diet and exercise progress. Research shows that the much more often you use a weight loss web site, the much better your fat loss results.
You could lose that 7-15 pounds you gained over the holidays.
3 – Avoid the Cardio Confessional & Switch to Supersets and Intervals
Just say NO to the cardio confessional. Listen, the truth is that you merely can`t jump on an elliptical machine and make those big meals from the weekends just disappear. Cardio doesn`t work that way.
In fact, new study shows that interval training workouts work faster than slow cardio for fat loss (Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: January 2011 – Volume 43 – Issue 1 – pp 115-122).
Add in resistance training to sculpt your body and get lean (and sexy), quick.
But what EXACTLY should you do…
Well, you could go to a busy commercial gym and hire a fresh out of college personal trainer for $60 an hour, but why bother when you can get a complete fat loss workout blueprint on-line.
4 – Track Your Body Composition
Begin by obtaining a baseline of your body fat level (percent) and then take the following body measurements.
Waist Circumference (at navel): _____
Mid-Upper Arm Circumference:_______
Mid-Thigh Circumference: ________
Hip Circumference (Widest point between legs & navel):____________
These are essential to know because while your weight might not move, all that matters is that your body fat goes down.
Seeing the inches drop will maintain you motivated and frustration-free.
5 – Take Before Photos
As much as you may dislike this, it may be the most critical thing you need to do on your fat burning journey.
After all, the most typical element of all fat loss success stories is having that Before photo. It encourages and motivates you to continue sticking with your rituals and making the right choices.
Workouts and diets might differ, but the Prior to photo is always there.
Take your photo – it is really, really important, and you`ll thank me later when you compare the NEW you to that old photo.
Alright, now you have the 5 actions you must take instantly in order to have the COMPLETE BLUEPRINT to your weight loss success in 2011.
Get started with interval training workouts and abs workout routines by Turbulence Training