Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedy Information

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common type of sexually transmitted disease (STD) affecting women but is also considered the least dangerous. Based on medical statistics gathered, almost one third of women have the disease at one point of their lifetime.

Because the course of the disease starts with the milder signs and symptoms of having vaginal discharge to the more bearable pain during sexual intercourse and upon urination, many women commonly shrug off the manifestations, thinking that the disease will go away on its own. This should not be so as shrugging off the disease will lead to recurrence.

The good news is that there are a lot of bacterial vaginosis home remedy available for women who do not want to subscribe to the conventional medical options due to their harsh side effects. The following are the usually used bacterial vaginosis home remedy:

1. Douching with yogurt as a bacterial vaginosis home remedy. You might have heard that eating yogurt will help cure this annoying disease by putting back all the good bacteria to fight the harmful microorganisms. But many women also attest that using yogurt directly in your vagina for a period of seven consecutive days can also be useful as well in providing the Lactobacillus species to maintain the acidity of the vaginal tract.

2. Douching with hydrogen peroxide as bacterial vaginosis home remedy. Hydrogen peroxide is a cleaning agent used for wounds and for other non-medical purposes as well such as dying the hair. However, it also works as an effective cure for bacterial vaginosis. Use 3 percent hydrogen peroxide as a douching agent to your vagina. The substance has strong antimicrobial properties and kills the population of harmful bacteria which brings about the signs and symptoms of BV.

It is important to be wary and watchful about using any bacterial vaginosis home remedy. Research about the remedies before use. For instance, women who have subscribed to baking soda as a home remedy found out the hard way that the substance does not only work but worsens BV as well. Baking soda is alkaline or basic and has counter effects instead. For the vagina to resist bacterial infection it has to maintain an acidic environment.

Tony McGuigano is the owner of the Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedy website, as well as a website called Best Studio Headphones.

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