Making the Most of Business Cards

Boost the value of your business

Read this carefully: Making your customers loyal to your business is a great art. All the successful business owners have learned and practiced it. You should do the same. How should you do it? Well, you are in the position to know your customers personally. So, make them feel important and make shopping easy for them. Don’t just tell them you have great things in stored for them. Tell them directly what you have to offer to them.

The best and most economical way to this is to give them ideas. For instance, provide added value in their cards. Why don’t you put a map, discount card, or even a prayer at the back of your business cards? If your business is a restaurant, a recipe can also be a great idea. They might not always like your idea, but that is a good way to tell them that you care for them.

Never leave your home or office without your cards

To make use of every opportunity to draw in customers and hopefully sales, never leave your cards at home. Your business card serves no purpose just by being piled on your desk. The best way to make use of it is to ensure you have a card within reach at the time.

Keep your card sharp and effective

Before you hand out your cards, make sure that they are in good condition. No one wants to be given out a worn out business card. This only creates a bad image for your business. Make sure that your cards are in pristine condition when handed out. Keep them in a place where they won’t get easily worn out. Use a nice box that will protect them from dents scratch.


When it comes to storing your card that won’t be a problem. You can store them in a wallet, which has a slip-pouch to keep your additional cards. Squeeze in a few cards in the pouch so you have them with you everywhere you go. If you have a briefcase that’s better as this will enable you to have more card with you. But don’t just throw your cards in your briefcase. Use the pouches or small compartments to store the cards. This way they won’t get easily damaged or bent. If your briefcase doesn’t have a pouch, use a clip to keep the cards together. If you truly want to present a good image and look professional to your customers, then use a business card holder. This will ensure that your card is kept in mint shape all the time.

Don’t write scribbles in your card

Every time you are going to hand out your card, make sure that it is updated. As much as possible, avoid handing out cards that have scribbled contact info making it look like scratched business card templates. The only time it is alright to write on your card is when you do it at the back. You can do this if you want to write a note or price quote.

Give compliments

When you receive cards, don’t just stick it in your pocket. Take time to look at the card and give compliment in order to make a good impression. Be sure to thank the person when accepting the card before putting it away.

More tips and information’s on how to make cheap but winning business cards can be found at online printing business cards.

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