Primary Consideration Before Getting Your Work Published

So you have finished writing your novel. How come it is still there in your laptop hiding it from the world to see? Perhaps you don’t have any idea how to publish it. Actually, this can be an easy task, and you can begin by writing a simple yet catchy letter to your publisher of choice.

When you want to convince people to publish your story, you have to show them what you’ve got. That means you have to come up with a short but compelling synopsis. This is obviously a crucial part of your letter because this is how you tell them that your novel is worth getting published. Many people who write to get published do not even include a summary of what they’ve written in their first letter. This is certainly not a good way to do it. Publishers are busy and they do receive tons of query letters everyday from people hoping to get published. If they don’t see what you’ve got the first time, there probably won’t be a second time or a third.

Another crucial element of this letter would be the genre and market for your novel. Who are the people you are aiming to touch with it? Are you pointing it on to children, women, men or the handicapped? Together with this, you must also mention the word count and you must state that this is as far as you’re going -the novel is complete.

Of course, this letter will not do without an introduction of you. You’re going to have to give them an idea about who you are and your experience or background as a writer. You don’t want this to be another novel though, so keep it short but meaty. If there are any books you’ve written in the past, mention them. If there are special recognitions you received as an author or writer, write them down and let them be known as well.

Together with this information, you’ll also want to include anything about yourself that may give you a writing perspective that is unique from that of other authors. For example, if you are a chemical engineer writing a non-fiction novel about the Chernobyl nuclear accident, you should mention this because this will definitely give you an edge as a writer of a subject of your own expertise.

These will be the most important parts of your first letter to a publishing agent so take your time and try to make it as convincing as it can be. This is actually how you get the agent interested in what you have and asking for a copy of a few chapters or your entire manuscript. When that happens, you shall have hit first base.

If the novel you’ve written or you are planning to write is of the romance genre, find inspiration today at where you find one romance novel after another. Reading other authors’ work can give off that spark of inspiration so you can write your own romance ebook or keep writing more and more compelling love stories for the world to read.

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