Some Important Facts About Mono Symptoms
Epstein Barr virus causes viral fever known as Mono disease or Infectious Mononucleosis. Infectious Mononucleosis is also known as glandular fever or killing disease. Increasing in the number of white blood cells i.e. lymphocytes in blood causes this disease. Except infants and children are affected by this virus. Epstein Barr virus gets transmitted from one to another through saliva and also during coughing and sneezing. Other way of transmitting is also through infected container. 4-6 weeks are the approximate period of incubation for this infection. The initial mono symptoms due to mononucleosis infection include fatigue, malaise, anorexia, chills with high fever of 102 to 104 degree Fahrenheit, swelling of lymph nodes of neck etc.
Some other symptoms are inflamed tonsils which is red or sometimes white. These rash is present in the form of red spots which is also known as petechiae. Symptoms and blood test is can be done to diagnosis of Infectious Mononucleosis. An increase in atypical lymphocytes count in the blood, increased white blood cell count and presence of antibodies to Epstein Barr Virus is the positive result in test. There is also another test called Antibody Test. A positive test indicates presence of heterophil antibodies in the blood. However, this test can not be conducted for diagnosis in first week of infection.
Due to the limitation ,within the first week the antibody test should be conducted to diagnose the Mononucleosis. These are VCA-IgG, VCA-IgM and EA-D tests. Apart from VCA- IgG , VCA- IgM and EA-D the Liver Function tests, Platelet Count and Strep throat swab are also included. It is very essential to treat Infectious Mononucleosis at an early age. Serious complications will arise if it is not treated properly. Curing the strep throat is the main treatment. For this antibiotics are given..These are Penicillin or erythromycin. Many patients develop rashes after taking the antibiotics like Amoxicillin and Ampicillin and hence not advised. Occasionally the swelling and redness of tonsils is treated by cortisone medication.
To avoid this infection the adequate sleep, rest and plenty of fluids recommended. Also the patient should take warm salt water gargles. Occasionally herbal medication can be a good source of help. There are no side effects for the natural medicines. One of the useful herbal medicines is olive leaf extract. This prevents the virus from replicating and increases phagocytosis by which white blood cells ingest foreign matter and harmful microorganisms. Other herbal medicine is Echinacea. In recurrent infection by Epstein Barr Virus can be cured by Astragalus. In the initial stages the home medicines like gloves and garlic are prescribed due to the due to the safety. According to the seriousness of symptoms the herbal medicines are prescribed. For example, for high fever, herbs coriander seed and cleavers are added in tea. In case of inflammation of throat, cayenne, ginger and turmeric is given. They help to relieve redness and swelling.
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