Top Trends that Promote Enterprise Collaboration

Irrespective of size and stature, every enterprise, owing to its diverse sectors and units, has groups who specialize in particular knowledge areas. More often than not, this knowledge remains purely within that group and is not shared across the other sections of the enterprise. And sharing of this knowledge becomes tricky simply because it comes in multiple dissimilar formats which could be structured or unstructured. And managing it actually becomes an issue. Here’s where enterprise collaboration can change things.

Forrester Research claims that “any enterprise collaboration strategy is a carefully engineered plan focused on the use of collaboration platforms and tools to solve business problems by optimizing interaction among people. It is tightly aligned with high-level business strategy and closely tied to specific enterprise initiatives (e.g., knowledge management, communities of practice).” The research report on enterprise collaboration adds that, “firms should develop enterprise collaboration strategies to avoid false starts, fill in functionality gaps, and obtain greater value from collaboration investments. To develop a successful enterprise collaboration strategy, firms should organize a high-level collaboration strategy committee, identify an executive sponsor, create a cross-functional collaboration architecture team, and designate a program manager.” Therefore in this article we focus on the top trends in enterprise collaboration that help promote it further.

What are the trends in promoting enterprise collaboration?

Successful technology transformation and enterprise collaboration are two main pillars that ensure profits for an organization and its survival in the long run. Here are a few trends that actually helped spawn enterprise collaboration:

  1. Global economic slowdown: Even as the world is slowly coming to terms with recession, enterprises are finding ways and means to bring down collaboration costs and optimize and utilize their resources. Thus the recessionary mode means that enterprises require an organized approach to enable enterprise collaboration.
  2. Information is king: The information explosion has become inherent in our lives, and there’s no denying its importance. So while information is definitely a positive addition, it also brings along its own set of troublesome issues. This means that enterprises need to sort these issues out.
  3. Sorting out enhanced complexities: Even as globalization brings countries closer and opens up economic markets across the globe, it goes without saying that problems assume grave and intricate dimensions. These complexities need to be resolved.
  4. Offshoring: Offshoring to Asian and Latin American counties has given an immense push in ensuring that enterprise collaboration is taken seriously.
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