Scalp Psoriasis Treatment Facts, Information, and Tips
Before we get to the treatments, let’s go over what scalp psoriasis is and why you may be suffering from it. Then it will be a bit easier to understand the treatment and how and why it works.
Scalp psoriasis is a chronic disorder of the skin. It is not life threatening but it is a big pain to the ones suffering from it. Autoimmune attacks are supposedly the causes behind scalp psoriasis. Traumas, hormonal changes, infection, et cetera are known to be the reasons behind the attacks. The skin itches, cracks and burns. Sometimes, in severe cases, bleeding may occur. Thankfully, there is scalp psoriasis treatment that helps relieve the disorder. The raised skin and the itchy red patches are generally repulsive to look at and cause a lot of discomfort to the sufferers. Hence, scalp psoriasis treatment must be undergone to get rid of it.
Many natural remedies can be used for scalp psoriasis treatment. It can even be treated at home through safe, natural remedies! One of the easiest ways to treat it is to expose your body to sunlight. Vitamin D helps improve skin condition and what better way to help your skin than take aid from the sun? Medicated shampoos are great for scalp psoriasis treatment. Coal tar shampoos are used by many patients and they testify their effects. The shampoo must be rubbed into the scalp and left for about 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water. This reduces itching and the scales are removed. Hair must be combed regularly. If the scalp is infected, anti fungal shampoos must be used twice a week.
Diet plays a very strong role in improving scalp psoriasis. Home grown vegetables are good. The vegetable considered to be best and strongly recommended is bitter gourd. One cup bitter gourd juice must be taken every day. Mix some limejuice if the bitterness gets too much. Lots of water must be consumed as it detoxifies and helps you remain hydrated. Maintaining a good hygiene is a must.
One proven scalp psoriasis treatment is hot Epsom salt bath. After taking this bath, olive oil or lotion must be applied for moisturizing the scalp. Uncertain weather must be avoided at all rates. It could make the condition worse.
Natural treatment using herbs and oils works wonders. Massaging your scalp with aloe vera, neem oil, lavender oil, et cetera is an excellent remedy. Using shampoos that have wheat gram oil or jojoba oil as ingredients is very helpful as these even moisturize the scalp. Exercising and following a healthy diet as well as staying calm and composed help a lot to curb scalp psoriasis.
Scalp psoriasis treatments are many. As always, medical advice before using any treatment is advisable. You should go for the treatment that suits you the best and make sure that it does not affect your activities.
Tony McGuigano is the owner of the Walkie Talkie Headset website, as well as a website called Scalp Psoriasis Treatment.