Forgiving Infidelity – The Importance of Forgiveness
One of the most devastating things that could ever happen to you in your marriage life is when your husband had affair with best friend. This is actually one of the worst case scenario because it involves two people who are very close to you; and whom you also love so much. This is a double jeopardy on your part; having two closest individuals, whom you have confided so much of your life, betrayed you.
The painful thing about it is that you may have nowhere else to run to seek refuge and comfort since your very own best friend is even involved in this problem. Hence, you need to seek someone else, whom you can genuinely trust, to express out your feelings. This is very important so that you will not burst out all your anger and sentiments to your husband and your best friend; which will only make things worse.
The moment you have already expressed out your emotions and feelings with your loved ones, or close member of your family, the next stage is to have transparent communication and conversion with the involved parties. Keep in mind that you need to be well composed when doing this; it is imperative to control your emotions and anger in order to professionally resolve the problem on why your husband had affair with best friend.
During the conversation with your husband, it best to find out the key issues on why your husband had affair with best friend. You need to find out the real cause that prompted your spouse to betray you. In most cases, husbands do such illicit acts because of some marital problems at home; such as lack of intimacy, failure to show concern and love, sexual problems, behavioral problems, and so on.
Once both of you have identified the key issues then you can properly address the problems by working together to make your relationship work best and preserve your marriage. Apart from that, it is best that both of you must commit to be faithful to each other and remain loyal to one another for the sake of your love.
You can also do the same with your best friend; if you think that your friendship is still worth keeping. It may be hard for you to accept your friend back at first, but sooner or later you shall learn to forgive your friend and restore your friendship.
Nevertheless, if your husband had affair with best friend then keep in mind the aforesaid tips to serve as a guide in handling this problem.
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