Are You Committing These Relationship Mistakes?

Statistics show that 3 out of 4 divorces are filed by women. What does this mean? There are more husbands who make relationship mistakes that cause wives to decide to give up.

It is typical for all humans to pine relationships. We all want to share our life with a special someone for us to complete our lives. Having no one to share our thoughts, our feelings and our desires which leaves us alone and lonely and creates a void inside us and this affects our emotional and social development. Having someone by our side to share our joys, successes and even failures improves our capability to achieve more in life.

But being in a relationship is also not easy. As humans, we make relationship mistakes that sometimes put our relationship in jeopardy. Usually, without meaning to, we commit these relationship mistakes and hurt the person we love. And when hurt sets in, feelings of animosity come about.

Men generally commit more relationship mistakes than women. Because men and women perceive things differently, these are a few of the relationship mistakes that men may be committing without them realizing it.

A man tends to ignore a woman’s desire to be touched and stroked when they are hurt or distressed. A man should learn to understand that a woman goes through a different level of emotional stress which can be eased by a gentle touch or a stroke to reassure her that you are there with her.

Women like to talk and communicate their feelings and emotions. This is a way for them to feel closer to their partner. Men tend to ignore this fact which is sometimes misconstrued by the woman as disinterest on the man’s part. This is a relationship mistake that you can correct by keeping the lines of communication with your partner open.

Men also tend to be oblivious to the fact that listening means the world to a woman. A man should learn to listen with interest not only with their mind but more importantly with their hearts.

Men tend to think that romance is vital only during the courtship period. But as romance is taken out of the picture, the relationship dies as a result. Be more loving and show it. A little thoughtfulness goes a long way in the eyes of the woman you love. This is one of easiest relationship mistakes to correct. Be more demonstrative with your affection and your partner will love you for that extremely.

As your relationship progresses, oftentimes a man tends to take for granted the little things that attracted him and his partner to each other in the first place. Or sometimes you recognize that you are committing a relationship mistake but are too indifferent to do anything about it. Remember, a relationship is a two-way street.

Be more proactive today and start seeking help. It is only if you exert effort to save the relationship will you be able to reap success.

Zeny Zabala is a relationship resource person who loves to write articles about marriage and relationships for individuals looking for help and inspiration in their relationships. She also provides reading recommendations on her web site with reviews on the best available reading resources on the internet today. More save the relationship advice.

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