Check Your Preparation List For Holiday Marketing Labels

Ok! So you are now ready for the holiday version for your product label printing. Before you give the go signal though to mass produce those product labels, let me help you review those labels first to make sure that they are indeed labels primed for the holidays. Below is your check list for holiday label printing. Make sure that your label designs and printing options pass through these checks and you will have little to worry about with your holiday labels.

•    The Holiday layout – First up on the checklist for holiday color labels is the holiday layout. Did you change your layout for your marketing labels for the holidays? Or did you just put in one extra holiday element and changed nothing else? If you just added one thing, but did not reinvent the whole layout, I recommend that you go back and do your color labels again.

The holiday market is no joke, and you should always have a new and fresh looking holiday layout so that your product labels look more fresh and festive. Using those old designs with only minor additions is the death sentence for your products. Believe me. So make sure that you always use something new and original for your holiday product label layout.

•    Full color design elements – The next thing you should check is if your color labels have full color design elements. No product label with survive in the holiday market season if they do not use full color design element. You might think it economical to use black and white or simple spot color designs for your custom labels, but the truth is, without the impact that full color images and designs bring in, your color labels and your products won’t stand a chance with others. So make sure you check if you have full color design elements or not.

•    Distinct design characteristic – Another important check to do is to see if your custom labels have distinct design characteristics. By distinct here, I mean design elements that are different from your other rivals which is original and eye catching. If you do have a distinct design characteristic such as embedded metallic fonts or even embossed designs, then your color labels should perform well for the products you are putting them in. Otherwise, if you can’t add in that distinct element, your product color labels won’t be really able to stand out and work effectively.

•    Easily visible holiday offer – Of course, you should also check if your product labels have the holiday offers easily visible on its design. It is not enough to have a festive design, you should also add in some great holiday offers to sweeten the pot so to speak. By advertising that great discount offer for example at the center of your custom labels, people should respond a lot more to them. So make sure that you use large fonts and highly visible font colors for your holiday offers in labels.

•    High quality durable materials – Lastly, you should check if your label printing company will be using high quality durable materials for the product labels. The material of any kind of print will affect their final look. That is why it is crucial to spend the best materials that one can afford for label printing. It is an important investment that will spell success or failure for your product labels.

Great! So do your labels pass the checklist? If not, then maybe you might want to review your label design and label printing options. Otherwise you are good to go. Good Luck!

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