Producing Refreshing Business Card Design

It is great and amazing how a different or unique look draws different reactions from people. A certain style might be very appealing to someone, while it can be distasteful to other people. Indeed, looks is not just what is on the inside. All the superficial details and information also matters. And this also applies on the business cards. It is not just the name, the title of the business establishment or the space of the office that matters in business. The shape, the color and the style of your cards also matters a lot.

You can always be creative and imaginative, and experiment with the design of your card, and you can also be on the safe side by staying with the looks of traditional cards. Everything actually pretty much depends on the professional field and the age group that you want to do business with or hand your cards to. To improve your knowhow about this matter, below are some of the most common and proven designs that you can use for your cards to attain a new and refreshing set of card.

Create a design that appeals to the conservative taste –traditional cards are basically comprised of a one sided print, a logo and the text which includes the name, title, the name of the business, address and contact details and information. All these things are usually printed in two or three different colors. The main advantage of this is that it is affordable. It usually comes with good quality yet you will still be charged minimum. The downside is the simplicity of the design, which makes it incredibly hard for you to stand out from others.

Create a look that is interesting to the sense of sight – there are different methods to play with the colors of your cards. One good example of that is opting to have both sides of your cards printed in full color, even with full bleed design. You can also have your business logo printed in full color. The same usually goes for the text of your cards and you can even play with the ink that you will utilize. Custom cards can also be printed with fluorescent, metallic or pear-based inks. These things can provide an extra appeal on your cards.

Design a look that is appealing to the sense of touch –embossing and debossing your cards are two of the finish that can improve the appeal of your business card templates especially to the senses. Through embossing, your cards can attain a raised surface that can be felt by the fingertips. The shape of the raised surface might take the form of a bold text or an appealing logo.

Produce a design that is appealing to the imagination – most clients and customers in the market usually stays with the basic shape and size of the cards, but there are some brave ones that venture into unheard outlines. Some of them usually request for die cut for their custom jobs as this can be more alluring to the imagination.

Produce a look that is good for the budget – nothing beats getting more that what you invested in your card. Finding a good use for your business cards other than just a piece of paper that contains your name and your business contact number is certainly a good value for your investment. So, be sure to create a design that is suited for your budget.

This writing provides information and tips to the readers about how to promote your business with cheap but appealing business cards, try to check out this page for more eye catching and free business card templates.

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