Proofreading Your Way To The Top – 5 Short Essay Tips
What is proofreading? Proofreading is a technique used to making your text free from the logical, punctuation and grammatical mistakes. Whether you are writing an essay, business report, dissertation report, or a magazine article, you can not afford to commit mistakes.
Committing mistakes puts a question on your credibility, working expertise and efficiency. There are so many spell checkers available, but they are of little use on their own, as you cannot completely depend on a spell checker for accuracy. This is where you are required to proofread your document.
The following section is completely devoted to making you understand the technique and importance of proofreading your documents. Below are five top tips for proofreading your document:
1. Concentrate on different types of errors. The key for a good proofreader is their concentration. By concentrating hard on finding out the grammatical, punctuation, logical and ethical errors. For this, you can start with reading the document sentence wise, and understanding the message to which that sentence wants to convey.
After understanding the information conveyed by the line, try to find out whether the line is ethical. Is the statement missing ethics? Then, look for logic. Is the statement illogical? Try to cross check it with the evidence you have. Evidence can be through facts and figures, maps, tables, diagrams, etc. Then look out for punctuation errors in the statement.
Are punctuation marks correct? Is the statement giving the correct expression (question, exclamation, etc)? Then look out for the grammatical errors. Is the statement free from grammatical errors? Is the sentence structure correct? Is the use of words correct? Finally, find out the connection between the previous statement and the current one.
2. Back track. You should read the document or report starting from the last sentence. This is a very common technique used to find errors in people’s work. Reading the document from the last sentence makes you aware of the conclusion, and now you have to check whether the report is moving in the right direction by trying to find out the question. You know what you wanted to write and are less prone to missing the errors, which otherwise would have been missed.
3. Read aloud. This is another very important trick used in proofreading. By reading aloud, you read each word independently and it gives you a great chance to find the errors such as punctuation errors and missed commas.
4. Use printed copy. The best way to proofread a document is to have a printed copy of it. Concentration on a piece of paper can be easily achieved as compared to a computer screen. If you proofread on a computer screen, your eyes will tire soon and a lot of strain is produced on the eyes.
Due to this strain, your chances of missing an error increases, and it will finally affect your grades. Moreover, proofreading a paper copy saves your eyes from stress. This is highly required as your eyes are precious, and you don’t want to harm them.
5. Break. You should take a break from proofreading your work every 15 to 20 minutes, especially when the length of the essay is large. Taking a break reenergizes you and increases your concentration levels. It provides some rest for your mind and eyes, and enables you time to recapitulate the theme of the topic.
These were some tips for efficient proofreading. Follow these tips will mean that you will see the difference in your performance and ultimately your grades.