Five tips for thorough housekeeping
One: Its good to have a plan. Does this sound familiar? You start off in the kitchen, but is distracted by the dripping faucet and on your way down into the basement where you keep your tools, oh dear, look at these ancient jam jars where is a garbage bag when you need it, let’s go look for it… Before it’s time for bed, you have started half a dozen project and completed none. Your home is every more disorganized, with tools spread over the kitchen counter, a garbage bag filled with jam waiting by the front door, unt so weiter. This situation can be prevented by making a plan and adhering to it. Prioritize, gradually work your way down the list and do not let any preservatives lure you from your path, no matter how old and moldy they are.
Two: Get the right equipment.Make sure you have everything you need before you start; sponges, brushes, towels, surface cleaners, glass polish, bathroom cleaner, and so on. Get the things you actually need and don’t let the commercials fool you into buying unnecessary items. Be inspired by professional cleaning crews, they rarely arrive with three dozen cleaning products. Instead, they carefully pick each product to maximize utility.
Three: Go the extra mile. Yeah, moving the fridge and stove is no picnic, but it’s the only way to clean the whole kitchen. Don’t let the space behind the stove and fridge turn into a cockroach haven. Also, you can save energy by keeping the backside of the fridge and freezer clean, since dust and debris will make them use up more electricity.
If you are moving out for good, hiring a professional cleaning service can be a good idea. Moving is never easy, especially if you also have to handle work and family responsibilities. If you need to locate a house cleaning company, do an online search or use the yellow pages. If you’re abroad, a free translation service such as Yahoo Babelfish or Google Translate can help you find out what to look for in the local language. Let’s say you’re in Uppsala, Sweden. Then “flyttst?dning uppsala” is your best search string.
Cleaning can be fun! Be inspired by the immortal words of Mary Poppins: “In every thing that must be done there is an element of fun.”Turn up the music really loud or enjoy listening to your favorite talk show on the radio. There is also a multitude of sites online where you, for free or for a small free, can download educational radio programs covering anything from Loch Ness to the life of Pythagoras. Also, make sure to reward yourself throughout the day, e.g. with a break and a cup of really good coffee, when you’ve been able to cross off a certain number of shores on your list.
Read more about house cleaning and services related to house cleaning also called “flyttst?dning uppsala” In Swedish