Failure Is The Success Mentor
Gang a key concept that you must understand on your way to achieving anything in life is that you are bound to fall down from time to time.
In fact there is a very high probability that you will fail more then once on your way to the top.
I actually am glad this will happen to you. (Scandal)
I don’t mean this to come across rude, but rather I say this for a few reasons:
1) The reason is you need to know that when it happens it is just part of the process. There is not a successful person who has not fallen down and scraped their knees more times then they can recall.
I have yet to personally have met a person who has reached their goals, who did not fail a time or two on their journey.
Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before finally making the light bulb work.
2) The 2nd reason I wish you to fail, is because this is how you get experience! We figure out which is the right way, by learning the wrong way first.
Just keep in mind this is something we all go through. Welcome to the club. It is the only way to success.
The key to failing is learning your lessons and getting back up.
Get back up when you fall, wipe the dirt from your pants, learn the lessons and get going again!
Success is a journey for all of us. The way the universe was designed requires that we prove we are serious, it tests us to see if we are serious about what we want to achieve.
Quiters are not allowed to win in this world. Ture success is reserved for only those people who have proven they have what is required.
Take the time to read about people who have made it. Read their stories of how they struggled time and time again before finally breaking through and making it to the top. You will very quickly come to realize that you are in very good company. That what you are going through is not only normal, but a part of the process.
How about the baby taking his/her first steps? They fall down over and over again while they are learning. Do you think they quit when they inevitably fall to their knees? No they keep on trying and falling and trying and falling before they finally start to walk & in no time at all they are sprinting!
Makes no difference what our goals are… the key is to simply keep on keeping on. While also taking the time to learn the lessons from our falls!
Enjoy the journey gang!
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