Girl Questions

Congratulations! You’ve made it past the hardest part… asking a girl out on a date. And if you’re reading this, then she has agreed. Now it’s come time to head out on this date of yours and try to get to know each other a little better and possibly get her to like you. If you’re ever been on dates before, you know that it can be very nerve wracking to come up with ways to keep the conversation rolling. Here are a few great questions that you can ask that are guaranteed to get you a second date…

Ask her about her family. Don’t ask simple questions like how many brothers and sisters do you have, but instead ask deeper and more thought provoking questions. Asking her what her favorite childhood memory is a good one. Perhaps asking her about which one she gets along better with, her dad or brother.

Girl Questions ask a girl at first is whether she is local and where she works, what she does for a living. A nice easy opener this one and an easy opportunity for her to talk confidently back to you. Remember to offer similar information back about yourself, and in the case that she doesn’t actually ask you too, volunteer the information anyway.

Asking about favorites is another cool thing to do. Favorite actors, films, books, singers, bands etc. The reason it is cool is that again it allows her to talk back to you confidently and if you respond with similar information, you are both building a picture up of each other, building rapport with one another and will soon know if the relationship is one which you would both like to develop. The best way to get someone into is to have commonalities with them, or at least pretend to.

What do you like to do with your weekends?
This is a fairly self explanatory question, which you can alter. If a girl has talked about her weekends on her profile page, ask her something that interested you or a related activity. This is a very safe question that can be a fun way to find common ground it is a great “break the ice” starter question to ask a girl online.
What do you think the biggest mistakes men make with online dating?
This question should be done in a fun manner with a girl and should lead for some good banter between the two of you. It is a great way to separate yourself from other guys in a girls mind. It will make her think you have a different mindset to other men, which will create attraction.
What is your real opinion about online dating?
Once again this should be asked in good fun and a light hearted nature. The idea being to ask questions that could lead to some fun and interesting conversations. While also working as a hidden serious question. You should pay close attention to her answers here as she will be giving insight to previous good and bad experiences. Plus giving clues to her likes and dislikes.

As previously stated these questions are not set in stone and can be changed. In fact, they should be altered slightly to suit your personality and different situations. One of the worst things a man can do is learn a bunch of lines and questions not suited to their style and throw them at women.

You should learn the process of what actually creates attraction with women and avoid unattractive behavior that turns women of. Learn how to do this and you will be turning more women away from you than you can keep count of.

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