Fat People – Whether they are Useless for Society?
Body dimensions and physique are different to the people. Smart, fatty and obese people are there. Individuals do not like the fat people mostly. This is because, of their shape of the body is not attracted by the people. Some of the fat people are too much obese and they are even not able to perform their routine work. We can find obese people are criticized by slim and smart individuals. Due to their body physique, fat and obese peoples, people laugh and criticize. Some people entertain others using the fat and obese people. They use to organize different sort of activities by fat people in a general public, which make them to laugh. Even obese people take part marathon race, wrestling and other activities
Only those fat people who possess a good sense of humor, and can bear all the comments of individuals on their physique, are invited in such activities to participate. By doing all these entertainment activities, obese. People can also prove that they are not inferior . Obese people also can perform better in several respects.
Because of underlying disease like hormonal imbalances, people will be obese. It becomes difficult to acquire normality in some cases. Fat people also enjoy to live their life happy and prosperous.
Fat people doesn’t mind about their fatness and do well in the many activities. In order to perform their work, they go to office. They have the capability to do even cleaning house, gardening and any type of indoor activities. They won’t hesitate to participate or play different entertainment games. Fat people can play several less hard game like golf etc.,.
Like others, fat people are also participating different physical and strenuous games at the international level. there is no difference between normal and fat individuals. They are also human and they possess feelings and emotions. People should not criticize and to make fun of them. Their problem could be due to eating habit, or could be due to some internal problem.
Whatever the reason of their obesity, they are the citizen of our country. They possess the same rights like us. Everyone in this world is useful, and can play their active role in the society. We should understand the value of these people and should not discriminate them. Finally, it may be concluded that “Fat people are not useless for the society”. They too can perform all the works like us. They are also equal to us.
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