
Wearing Thomas Sabo earrings has been aBillig Thomas Sabo Armbände custom for a long time. The earrings have a long history. The earrings have an important role in making-up world. Also in the ART stage, earrings have played a special role. With art, it is shown that in Western Europe, earrings went out of style temporarily and then came back in the Late Middle Ages. The appearance of Thomas Sabo earrings in a piece of art made a statement about the character, showing that they were not a part of the norm. That is, maybe the person depicted was from another culture such as East Africa. Earrings therefore were considered exotic.

Thomas Sabo jewelry is not only worn with women,Thomas Schmuckverpackung but also with men. Earrings are the important part in making-up. However, in the past time, for sailors, piercing the earlobe was preferred. An earring was a symbol that one had sailed around the world or had crossed the equator. Tales also state that sailors wore gold Thomas Sabo schmuck earrings in payment for a proper burial in the event that they might drown at sea. If their bodies were to wash up on shore, it was hoped the Thomas Sabo charms earring would serve as payment for their proper Christian burial. Now, though earrings have not as many as those meanings in the past, they are fashion elements.

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