The 4-Hour Work Week – A Review Of Tim Ferris’ Book

No doubt everyone wants to have a lifestyle where they make enough money from working a 4-hour work week and spend the rest of the time doing things they have always wanted to such as traveling the world, going skiing or any other activity that catches their fancy. Tim Ferris’ book introduces a new philosophy that teaches a person how to plan for this ideal lifestyle. What makes this book believable in comparison to other self help books is that the author goes on to list out the names of every company he has used to outsource his work to achieve his dream of working 4-hour weeks.
Through introducing a four step process, the author tells how it is possible to work a 4-hour week and still be effective. The first step in the process is to define one’s dream. This involves making a plan of what you want to do, overcoming your fears, putting social expectations out of your mind and working out the costs of realizing your dream. The second step focuses on managing time better by applying the 80/20 rule and getting rid of minor tasks that take up majority of the time. This helps make you more effective as you concentrate and accomplish the major tasks easily.
The order of the third and the fourth tasks depend on whether you run a business or have a job. If you have a job, then the next step will be liberation, which ensures that you are not tied to a particular place or responsibility, so you can work from anywhere at anytime as long as you are productive. The fourth step would be that of managing your business so that it turns into an automated revenue generator which is not dependent on your presence. If you already run a business, then the last two steps would be reversed compared to a person in a job. You would have to automate your business first and then liberate yourself so you can manage it from any geographical location.
While the book tells you how to escape the 9-5 work routine, still be productive, and achieve success, this may not be possible for everyone. There are strict tenets to be followed to make your dream come true. For example, not everyone can change their mindset about work, responsibilities or societal expectations, which is the first step in the process of change. It is one thing to have a dream and another to muster up the courage to do whatever it takes to achieve the dream. Tim Ferris’ philosophy may not be for everyone, but it is an eye opener in terms of what can be done with courage and determination.

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