Skills can be Forgotten When You Become Good AT

Communication between two persons builds a bridge when they meet for the first time. It does not matter whether it is a formal or informal conversation, but a special relationship is established secretly at that time. In order to set up closer relationship, they may want to have a better conversation then. Thus, some communication skills have to be used to achieve good results.

In any conversation, the speaker has to be able to get his or her key points across in a very short period, such as in a conversation between a wholesaler selling wireless headphones and a buyer, the wholesaler should introduce and quote the items that the buyer have interest in so as to get an order, on the other hand, the buyer should convey his words clearly without errors which one he or she wants to buy. In that way, an effective conversation takes place.

As two monologues do not make a dialogue, the information exchanged between the speaker and the listener is the key to effective communication. To some extent, an effective conversation depends on an active listening, since delivered ideas or words result nothing if the listener does not listen or not listen carefully. Therefore, making the listener hear what you are saying is a primary task. As you know, not everyone is interested in what you are talking, so start your conversation with something he or she is passionate about. We can call this skill PROPELLANT with which a difference is made and you can turn the listener towards your pursuit from any distraction. In that case, the cry of selling a unique torch through a speaker in a local market can greatly attract customers.

If conflict happens, don’t be worried. Conflict in a relationship is virtually inevitable. In itself, conflict is not a problem; how it is handled, however, can bring people together or tear them apart. Poor communication skills, disagreements and misunderstandings can be a source of anger and distance, or a springboard to a stronger relationship and happier future. When you are dealing with a conflict next time, keep the following tips to effective communication skills in your mind to get more positive outcome.

1.Stay focused
Sometimes it’s tempting to bring up past seemingly related conflicts when dealing with current ones. Unfortunately, this often clouds the issue and makes finding mutual understanding and a solution to the current issue less likely, and makes the whole discussion more confusing. Try not to bring up past hurts or any topics. Stay focused on the present one, and return to what you are talking about.

2.Try to see your listener’s point of view
It is true that in a conflict, most of us primarily want to be heard and understood, while this situation does not always happen. We talk a lot about our point of view to have other persons accept. How ridiculous it is! Without listening to them, any conversation cannot be a successful one. If we always talk and have little focus on other persons’ point of view, they may feel boring and began to be easily distracted.

Useful skills must be applied to communication and once you are good at it, you may forget these skills as they have been part of yours.

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