Virtual Face to Face meetings…!!

In earlier days, when people use to travel by horseback and what used to be called big companies were limited to being within the same city, people still found it tedious and expensive to ride from one office of the company to the other. In the modern times when most of the companies have branches all over the world, it becomes tedious, tiring and expensive to be holding meetings where heads of all states and countries are required to be present.

Let’s take the example of a hotel. Most hotels chains have a hotel in almost all countries of the world. Now If the owner of the hotel chain wanted to hold a meeting with the country managers of all hotels, and the meeting was to be held in China, wouldn’t the managers of hotels in America and UK and Europe have to travel a lot? Not to mention the amount of time they will have to be away from their post and the fact that they would have to depute someone else? Also all the costs involved can make this meeting a pretty expensive affair.

The answer to all predicaments like these is to hold an online meeting or a web meeting. All that is required is a computer connected to high speed internet and a webcam. Using the same, along with a special online meeting / web meeting software, users can hold a conference with each other and speak to each other, face to face as if they were in the same rooms. Not only that, online meeting / web meetings are highly economical, as compared to their manual and live, more expensive counterparts.

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