Choosing Ab Workouts that Really Work
It doesn’t matter whether you jog, buy exercise equipment or join a gym, doing some ab workouts is also important. For most, the health of their abdominal region is indicative of what kind of shape that person is in. Obviously the truth is that health is more complicated than that but wanting healthy and well toned abs is certainly understandable. In this article we will explain some of the ab workouts that you should think about adding to your exercise repertoire.
One of the best exercises that you can do, in particular for your lower ab region is the reverse crunch. Many people do regular crunches, and these can be good, but by themselves they won’t necessarily get you the kind of toned look you want. Reverse crunches can be a helpful addition to any routine you’re already doing. A typical crunch keeps your knees on the floor, the reverse crunch requires you to keep your hands behind your head while you keep your knees bent and raised off the ground. The idea is to get your head as close to your knees as you can get without straining. You need to feel pressure in your abdominal region.
Dancing, believe it or not, is one of the best things you can do for your abs and different kinds of dance will work on different groups of muscles. Lots of gyms offer dance classes today and those classes will be a lot of fun, particularly when they are set to good music and in a group setting. You also have plenty of opportunities to dance when you’re at home, especially if you have an exercise video to follow. YouTube has plenty of them in its listings. You could also take classes in things like Latin dance, belly dance and ballroom dance and then practice a lot. The primary advantage for this type of exercise is that it will be fun and you’ll be far more motivated to do it often and you won’t feel burdened by it. This gives you a really good workout for your whole body, not just your abs.
There are lots of machines to help you with abdominal workouts but, if you look closely, you’ll see that most of them are just having you do an exercise that is very similar to the traditional abdominal crunch.
The crunching motion is popular because it both stimulates and strengthens your ab area but the focus may be switched between the upper and the lower ab muscles depending on the exercise and machine you choose. The weighted crunch machines you find at gyms, whether Nautilus or another brand, can be very good because you can control the exact amount of resistance and gradually work out with heavier weights. Doing crunches with a machine will usually be more effective than doing them on your own on the floor.
In summary, many people worry about doing the right ab workouts, probably more than any other type of exercise. The best thing you can do for yourself is to focus upon workouts that have proven successful for you before and eating a healthy and nicely balanced diet. There is no such thing as a workout that will give you results immediately or that is perfect. The only way to get the body you want is to keep working and be patient. Set some short term goals and long term goals for yourself so that you can keep track of the progress that you make.
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