stress and panic
Stress, we can not avoid. Let us, however, have control over it and deal with its effects.
Not all the stress which acts negatively. We stress good – mobilizing to act positively.
However, it is bad stress, which is the body’s reaction to danger, difficulty or inability to achieve important goals and panic attackstasks of the man. This condition occurs when the activation stimulus, or stressor.
Here are signs of acute stress:
* Emotional arousal,
* Increased blood pressure,
* Tachycardia,
* Acceleration of respiration,
* Dry mouth,
* “Goosebumps”
* Increase in blood sugar.
These symptoms are caused by the stimulating effect of stressors on the secretion of hormones, including epinephrine, vasopressin, prolactin and endorphins.
After the alert phase, the body is resting phase – relaxation, and hence the period, at which the regenerate.
Not all the same
It often happens that the same situation (stressor) induces in one man all the signs of stress, and the other person does not respond at all or severity of stress will be lower. This is because it is not the situation causes stress, but the man’s personality gives it meaning – positive or negative.
More susceptible to stress are an impatient people, hostile to the environment, aggressive, living in a hurry, excess rival, seeking to order at any cost. However, in people with opposite characteristics (patient, peace-oriented, living without haste, willing to work towards a goal without a fight) are less likely to intensify the stress.