The 300 movie workout routine

Ever since the movie “300” arrived on the scene and the rippling abdomens and rock-hard
pectorals of dozens of stars and extras made their debut, many versions from the
so-called “300 workout” have arisen on the internet. Like a trainer and someone who
enjoyed watching that movie, I was thinking about what kinds of exercises these
body-breaking workouts were employing, and that i managed to find 3 or 4 different
variations on a single theme.

The general rules they followed were:

1. Make use of a multitude of exercises

2. Hit every part of the body possible

3. Use ridiculous reps and weights

4. Hit 300 reps as the total of all repetitions

Typical exercises would come with 50 throws of a 45 lbs. dumbbell from the ground to over
your head. Retrieve the weight and try it again! Or even weight sit-ups with 70-100 lbs.
sitting in your stomach. Needless to say, that’s a hell of a load!

My goal ended up being to produce a workout for my Haidong Gumdo students that could mimic the
overall feel from the 300 workout (striking the body with a large number of exercises), but
it would be achievable by even my weakest students. I took to doing some from the
exercises suggested by a few from the 300 workouts and started picking and choosing
those we’re able to do without extra equipment. Also, these would have be appropriate for
practicing on an indoor basketball court at a college (that is what we should were doing).

After a little learning from mistakes, as well as a few practice sessions with the actual class, I
created this general regimen. You are able to switch up slightly, but the order is
made to hit different parts of the body in succession, then return striking them
again. The thing would be a good workout without overly taxing anyone portion of your body at
a period, but dealing with overall failure (or nearly so).

The Martial Artist’s 300 Workout

Here I’ve indicated the sequence of exercises I used to drill my students into the ground
without them realizing it. I’ve indicated the exercises, the part of the body they work,
and any special instructions for performing them you would need.

You’ll notice as you go through which i don’t include whenever for rest. This is because
there isn’t any! The workout is designed to be hard, and also you shouldn’t take anymore
then 15-30 seconds to change positions between exercises. If you want to add some
sort of rest during the workout, permit them to take 1 minute intervals for water before
Decline Push-ups again before lunges.

100 jumping jacks

This can be a total body exercise, emphasizing the legs and arms as the gross movement.
Perform it as a 4 count move where “spread-in-spread-in” equals one repetition.

20 push-ups

That one emphasizes chest and arms. The instructor calls the exercise with “dow, up”
commands, where down is held using the chest about 1-2 inches started, or more is
held using the arms straight.

30 bicycle crunches

Abs and obliques would be the main target with these. Lay on the back with your hands
behind your head, elbows out. Whenever you rep up, touch your elbow towards the opposite knee,
and keep the legs off the floor. You should look like you’re riding a bicycle (just a very
uncomfortable one) during the movements.

20 prisoner squats

Great one for legs, emphasizing the thighs. Stand with your legs shoulder width apart,
hands behind your head like you’re being arrested. Squat down to a minimum of 90 degrees
(sitting on a chair), but so far as 30 degrees. Operate and repeat. Try not to fall down.

10 decline push-ups

That one really hits your chest and arms, placing more weight you during the
movement. You will need something to put your feet on that’s a minimum of eight inches off
the ground, but as much as two feet. Perform push-ups with your feet so inclined as
normal, using the instructor calling “down-up” commands.

5 suicides

I hate to run, however for total body, cardio, and legs, suicides are awesome. Pick a good
quantity of area, about 100 feet long and able to house your students side by side on
the short side. Mark out a place 50 feet down the line, then 100 feet down (we used a
sword on the floor and the wall of the gym). Ask them to set you back the mid-line, back to
start, to the end line, and to start. That’s one rep.

30 sec flutter kicks

Lower abs especially love flutter kicks, however it isn’t harmful to legs either. Lay on your back
with your hands just barely under your glutes. Raise your feet about six inches from the
floor and lift your head up to take a look at them. Now raise one foot another six inches,
keeping your other leg at the same height. Kick them like your swimming between the
six inch and twelve inch marks for 30 seconds. You should complete 30 reps or more
in that time.

5 pyramids

Back to the arms and chest. Pyramids begin in push-up position. You’ll call “down-up”
and perform one rep, then immediately start into a sitting positions with your hands
straight too deep. Call “down-up” and bend your arms down to the shoulder, then
back up again. Immediately flip over to push-up position after. That’s one rep. For rep
two, you’ll do two push-ups and 2 arm drops, then three each for the third rep, and so

For added “fun you can make them return down the size from 5 to at least one after rising
from 1 to five! They will probably hate you though.

20 lunges

Lunges are a great leg exercise, and they provide you with ample opportunity to practice
good posture and strengthen your back as well. With your hands on your hips, step one
leg forward, planting another foot, and bend the knees so you are almost
kneeling, such as the touch the ground. Stand back up in an identical, opposite motion, then
do the same using the other leg. One lunge is equivalent to heading out and back with both legs.

15 leg throws

Abs, obliques, legs, and arms beware, the leg throws are going to be tough you,
especially in the end another reps within this workout. Choose partners, with one partner on
the floor, back down, holding onto the standing partner’s ankles. The standing partner
throws the other’s legs towards the center five times, the left five times, and the right five times.

Hard. And also the laying partner stops their legs before striking the floor, and raises them up
again. When one partner finishes, switch.

10 min Stretching

You may either stretch freely, use your own routine, or make reference to my article on “Stretching
101” to complete up. Just be sure everyone hits all the muscles that they exercised in
this exercise. I didn’t begin with stretching because I suppose you would have already
done that on your normal class time. I finish with it because it is necessary to making
sure you keep the now-fatigued muscles cramp free and help them heal.

Want to find out more about 300 workout, after that visit Three hundred exercise site regarding how to choose the best Spartan workout to your requirements.

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