Tips For Home Kitchen Cleaning

Keeping your kitchen looking nice and clean will help to keep it hygienic for you and everyone else. Almost every area of your kitchen is a suitable place for germs and bacteria to grow and colonize and if you leave your food laying out in the open air, that can be quite an unhealthy thing. And so you see, with so much germs and bacteria that can exist in your kitchen, it becomes very important that you maintain a clean looking kitchen by following a daily or weekly kitchen cleaning routine. If you need some help and ideas as to what you should include into your kitchen cleaning routine, then you’ll find some tips and ideas below.

Bacteria and germs will regularly be found developing on your kitchen counter top and it is the number one place where you’ll find them in the kitchen. There is plenty of surface space for germs and other airborne bacteria to grow and settle in. This is a place where you’ll be constantly placing your foods on, so therefore it is essential to keep it as clean as you can in order to avoid any bacterial contamination to your food. Using a bleach based kitchen cleaning spray is the best way to clean your counter top. The bleach will help to kill off any germs and bacteria that lives on the surface. You could also use hot water and soap to wipe down your counter top. As long as you keep the water hot, it should work quite well at killing off any germs and bacteria.

Moping is something that you should include into your regular kitchen cleaning routine. Frequent moping of the kitchen floor will ensure that you floor looks and smell fresh. For the best result, you should always use hot water mixed with the right moping solution. The hot water serves to really loosen up any dirt that’s stuck into the flooring crevices and might be hard to get out. There are steam mops that you can buy which will free you up from having to replace colder moping water with hotter water. These will allow you to finish the moping job much faster.

After moping the kitchen floors, the next thing that should be cleaned are the kitchen cabinets. Usually, the interior of the cabinets will not be very messy with air borne contaminant, but the exterior of the cabinet will more than likely accumulate dust overtime. If there are plenty of dust building up on the outside of your cabinets, then it is a good idea to have some kind of statically charged duster so that you won’t have dust flying all around.

Lastly, you have to make sure that you clean your kitchen appliances thoroughly. Be sure to clean the oven, microwaves, and toaster. These are the places where you store and cook your food, so make sure that they are cleaned. It there is a lot of grease and oil in your oven, then you can use a degrease to help remove it easily. Some oven may have baked on grease that have been there for a long time and might be hard to scrape off. If this is the case, you can try to turn your oven on high and let it run for about half an hour. After the grease and oil has burn off, allow the oven to cool down for about 10-15 minutes and then wipe off any of the baked in grease and oil.

We have just covered several major things that you should include in your regular kitchen cleaning schedule. Be sure to stick to your cleaning schedule so that you can have a clean and beautiful looking kitchen.

Rachael Hayes is a kitchen designer and kitchen decorator consultant. She has enjoyed providing design and decorating advice on various different kitchens including mobile kitchen, home kitchens, and commercial kitchens.

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