Tactics For Collection: When Consumers Don’t Pay
Companies generally flourish when they build relationships with their clients that has a foundation on trust. Yet sometimes customers do fall behind in payments to purchase goods or services that they have received. There are a number of ways to attack this issue.
First, take inventory of your receivables. By doing this you can track the trends in your customer’s payment histories. It is suggested that you review your accounts receivable at least once a month. To aid you, utilize accounting software programs that can give you this information in a report that tracks the age of your receivables. This will help you to avoid accounts that eventually become debts that are uncollectible.
Sometimes, the consumer might be able and ready to pay up, but your invoice has gotten lost or has slipped to the bottom of their finances pile. It’s a good idea to send out monthly statements that go over status of your consumer’s accounts to update them on what is owed.
If an account still remains outstanding, don’t be scared to call them personally and inform them them know that you are expecting a payment.
If your tries to refresh your consumers memory of the bill do not work, stronger action may be necessary. Send the customer over a demand letter that contains documentation of the fact that your organization has delivered goods and that the client was billed for them. Let them know that they are now in breach of contract. In the letter, state when payment is required before further action is taken, and what your next step will be.
Typically the next step will be to take legal action. If it is a small amount of money you can take your case to a small claims court. For a large amount you should take the case to civil court. Be sure to document the agreement between you and the customer and that you pulled your weight by delivering the promised goods or services.
Rapid Recovery Solution is a third party debt collection agency.