Multi source heat pump air conditioning system
Air conditioning system utilizing low temperature heating sources of the environment, so as to maximize the heat coefficient of performance (COPH) by conserving subterranean heat, atmospheric heat, solar heat and auxiliary heat sources in combination with a reversible-cycle water source heat pump, by absorption of heat energy into a liquid (water) and by applying said heat energy to the heat pump evaporator during the Heating Mode of operation to be absorbed by the refrigerant at low temperature.
Air conditioning systems require energy for raising and lowering air temperature and which can be assisted by the storage of “solar insolation” heated liquid and/or conversely by the storage of chilled liquid, and also assisted by absorption fromor into the surrounding ambient air. The collection of solar heat energy is normally within a range of nominally 100° to 180° F. or higher, while the heat pump can be assisted from a water source within a range of 55° to90° F.; and to these ends I have provided a stratified thermal mass wherein the solar heat is stored at high to low temperatures, from which the heat pump withdraws heat at moderate temperatures of 55° to 90° F., and whereinresidual heat at low temperatures is utilized for auxiliary purposes such as to pre-heat a domestic hot water supply or the like.
It is substantially total environmental assistance for one or more liquid or water source heat pumps with which the present invention is concerned, a comprehensive concept which involves the conservation of energy, both by collection of allavailable heat sources, including solar insolation, terrestrial re-radiation, auxiliary absorption, and assisted by heat absorption to or from and from within the system under whatever conditions. The more or less predictable collection of solar energyin a thermal mass is variable to say the least, and water source heat pumps have a practical operating range, at times below the temperature of said thermal mass storage of solar energy and at times above said thermal mass temperature, at whatevertemperature variant said mass might be above or below the range of normal heat pump operation.
In accordance with the invention provision is made for extraordinary conditions, one to apply heat as by theapplication of external energy and the other to remove heat. Studies have shown that heat pumps consume far less purchased energy than other conventional heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems employed to heat and cool buildings. Significantimprovements in performance and reliability in heat pumps have been made and with energy problems and the escalating costs of energy, present day heat pumps are more economical than ever before, and all of which is of increasing concern to utilityplanners now desperately attempting to maximize the use of power generation. Since heat pumps utilize more readily available and useable low temperature energy sources, further reductions in purchased energy consumption by heat pumps during normalheating periods is a general object of this invention.
The conventional reversible-cycle heat pump is similar to a refrigeration machine and has the same basic components, namely a compressor, condensor and evaporator. Consequently, the heat pump has the lowest operating cost of any present day electrical heating/cooling equipment, providing that a usefulheating source is made available throughout a substantial portion of the operating hours. The same advantage is available with “water source” heat pumps with which this invention is preferably concerned. Therefore, it is an object of this invention toadvantageously employ such heat sources as the underlying earth, the surrounding atmosphere, solar radiation, and auxiliaries such as space lighting etc. within the building to be conditioned. As a result, there is an unexpected increase in theCOPH in the operation of said water source heat pump, for substantial energy saving during both the heating periods of the day and night.
Low temperature heat sources such as the earth and the surrounding atmosphere are useful energy sources when combined with a heat pump capable of utilizing the same to increase performance. It is preferred therefore to employ a water source heatpump that advantageously utilizes water heated to a low temperature by the ground temperature ambient of about 55° F., and water heated by the air ambient of about 55° to 80° F. as the case may be. It is an object therefore toprovide means to acquire a water source at the ground ambient of about 55° F., in practice a heat exchange well sunk into the earth a substantial depth.
Solar assisted heat pump conserve energy by combining the thermodynamic features of a heat pump with the relatively low temperatures (50° to 90° F.) readily available from flat plate solar collectors, it being an object of thisinvention to provide a balance between solar energy generation and its utilization. In practice, solar panels collect heat up to about 160° F., and it is therefore an object to proportion this heat source with chilled water for maintainingoperational water in the range of 55° to 90° F. It is another object to provide storage for both heated and chilled water, the latter to be employed during the cooling cycle so as to assist and permit a reduction in power demand, forexample to reduce summer demand peaks that are often experienced by electrical utilities. It is also an object to provide a modular solar panel installation which establishes an integral roof structure, and which is convertible for both heat absorptionand heat rejection.