Aspects of Education System in India
Education System in India has a deep history that stretches back to the ancient urban centers of learning at Taxila and Nalanda. Western education that supported the Colonial System integrated into Indian society with the establishment of the “British Raj”.
Education system in Republic of India falls under the control of both the Central and the state government. Responsibilities for Smooth Functioning of the same lies with both the Central and the state Government. Education is established as a fundamental right for Every Individual in the Country according to various articles of the Indian Constitution.
India is becoming the Global Hub for Education and is attracting more and more students not only from India but also from Around the World. With more private Universities being established in India, the country has made huge progress in terms of increasing primary education attendance rate and expanding literacy to approximately two thirds of the population.
Despite such great Achievements and recognition in the International Arena, The education system is still far behind from other developing countries such as that of China or Thailand. As Most children never attend secondary schools because of the mentality of people living the rural areas that is of Quire High percentage to total population of the Country. Adding to that, an optimistic estimate is that only one in five job-seekers in India have ever had any sort of vocational training.
Thus, India is quietly on the right Path of progress but there are a lot of Improvements needed to be bought in the System. A prominent Need I to frame a educational system that is employment oriented and not Degree oriented. Such system will create a Environment of employment and Less people will be Without a job, Creating a more developed Nation. This is the way to go for Every nation!!
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