Inform your contacts when you are busy by sending Automated Away Text
Automated Away Text is the newest and most convenient application for the Google Android developed by Android Application Development.
This mobile application provides the users new and easy way of letting family, friends, or coworkers know where they are when they are unable to answer phone calls or text messages. When activated, this unique application sends an automatic and customizable text message to those who calls or texts user.
Technology Domain: Android OS 1.6 and higher (till 2.2)
Business Challenge:
- Automatically send the Automated Away Text out on incoming calls or SMS.
- Provide option to save multiple text messages and define rules for sending the same
- Manage the user configurations and build an engine which analyzes the notifications from OS and takes the action on them.
- Provider Users the flexibility to send only one Automated Away Text Message to each caller or texter.
- Users can have an Automated Away Text Message sent out only in instances of missed calls or received text messages, or both.
- Develop application which consumes less memory and is reliable.
- Allows the user to create and save up to five Automated Away Text Messages: Users can preset the messages depending on the recipients.
- Users can simply choose who does and who does not receive their text message. Users can set the configuration to send an Automated Away Text Message to only specific contacts.
- Attractive & user friendly user interface.
Software Solutions:
- Single build for multiple devices, minimizes the maintenance of different builds for different devices or models.
- Standalone system, users need not have a data plan to use Automated Away Text application.
- Screens are designed in such a way that common tasks are done from main screen
- Clear indication if the application is working in background
- Easy application configurations
- Application help and context sensitive help
- Landscape mode support, detection of hardware keyboard, putting the phone in silent mode if application is in away mode on users consent.
Endeavour has got rich mobile application development across all mobile platforms including iPhone /
iPod / iPad, BlackBerry, Android,Windows Mobile, Symbian, BREW, Web OS, J2ME, Mobile Web, Android.
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